Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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anonymous September 2 2009, 04:49:30 UTC
I want to see how a nation would react to meeting one of their citizens who hates their country.

Can be any nation and I would prefer that the hater does not realize that they have met their country.

I hope this hasn't been requested already.


Beaten anonymous September 25 2009, 02:24:04 UTC
(I hope op doesn't mind a third fill. Pretty much inspired by a documentary and this article. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm... )


Re: Beaten anonymous November 16 2010, 09:06:05 UTC
so sad ;; really it is race issue is not usually seen unless with germany or usa so this is...;;


No One Asked for a Hero 1/2 anonymous September 27 2009, 20:33:57 UTC
Alfred looked out the window at the sidewalk thirty-four floors below, where people were milling around like insects; preoccupied, single-minded, incapable of appreciating the abstract beauty of the world around them. In their own way, these skyscrapers were just as majestic as the forests they had replaced; but most of these people would never be able to appreciate the beauty of either, and those who could would only mourn the former and curse the latter, cursing him, if they only knew it, for making it so ( ... )


No One Asked for a Hero 2a/2 anonymous September 27 2009, 20:37:39 UTC
“It’s not my fault,” Alfred said, softly. The man looked at him. “I mean, it’s not America’s fault that everyone wants us to solve the world’s problems ( ... )


No One Asked for a Hero 2b/2 anonymous September 27 2009, 20:40:32 UTC
The man was watching him, and after a moment, he stood up. “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything ( ... )


Re: No One Asked for a Hero 2b/2 anonymous September 28 2009, 03:44:47 UTC

I'm American, so this hit close to home. Very nicely done.


Re: No One Asked for a Hero 2b/2 anonymous October 8 2009, 01:01:17 UTC
Americanon also.

It made me wibble. .__.

Recaptcha: Edgar 30. Yes, captcha, we need to be more literate too. >>


Re: No One Asked for a Hero 2b/2 anonymous November 2 2011, 01:19:12 UTC


It's Just How We Are anonymous October 24 2009, 22:38:01 UTC
I hope it isn't too late to do this, I just saw the thread and it caught my imagination. I apologise in advance for my poor writing skills and any OOCness ( ... )


It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous October 24 2009, 22:39:36 UTC
Arthur remembered, oh God, he remembered. He had been so consumed by empire lust that he reckoned it must have prevented him really seeing what he was doing. But it still hung in the air between him and Yao and he doubted it would ever go away ( ... )


Re: It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous November 16 2010, 09:16:07 UTC
Oh look an intelligent, soul searching ten year old...FINALLY! Serious how do people not know about these 'rare' types of kids :/ good job anon

I guess thats why history repeats itself also the girl catches on quick! And poor England...;; Hey at least your not in Germany right? They must be have even worse, painful lesson to learn.


Re: It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous November 2 2011, 01:27:43 UTC
Yeah, I heard it's basically collective guilt over everything. :(


Re: It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous November 18 2010, 04:09:03 UTC
Americanon is more affected by this one than the America one. Mostly cause I really identify with that little girl.

and I want to yell at them shut up. ‘Cos we’re, like, the scum of the planet.”

I know it's a horrible unhealthy way to feel, but that's how I am when I see people from other countries being sad about 9/11. Take your sympathy elsewhere guys, we don't deserve it.

But yeah, I just want to hug the both of them.


Re: It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous November 18 2010, 04:15:56 UTC
Take your sympathy elsewhere guys, we don't deserve it. Speak for yourself, please. We're all just human beings, you know. T_T


Re: It's Just How We Are (2) anonymous November 18 2010, 14:57:42 UTC
I know, that's what I keep telling myself. It's just that the country did so many stupid dangerous things after 9/11, I feel like we snubbed them all.


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