Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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anonymous August 1 2009, 17:04:21 UTC
america decides that the nations need to do some bonding so he makes them all (using blackmail mostly) play paintball. i want some unexpected, but really shouldn't be, results (finland taking out almost half of the others, canada making some very impressive snipes, the italies doing outrageous feats of fast shooting, etc). how about it people? do you think these games will lead to better international relations?


The Dead Zone [1/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 00:07:52 UTC
Okay, here we go. First time with many of these characters so I apologize for any fail and OOCness at my part. I hope OP is alright with this ( ... )


op anonymous August 2 2009, 00:29:23 UTC
i'm more than alright with this! this is freakin pwnage! (sulking sweden and affectionately jerky denmark are just...amusing ^-^) reactions are not ooc, smack on actually. seriously love this. is it wrong that i want canada to be the final winner here? can't wait to see more. and thank you so very much.


Re: op anonymous August 2 2009, 00:40:35 UTC
Random anon also agrees with OP on this fic being extremely pwnsome. 8D Oh Finland, why so hardcore? (And Sweden sulking totally made my day for sure.)

My vote for the ones left standing in this battle are Finland, the Italies and Canada. Though Canadian!anon is also biased and agrees that Canada should win, she also suggests that a possible ending to this fic is to have them have some sort of a grand tie of epicness. XDDD


op anonymous August 2 2009, 00:46:27 UTC
op votes for at least mention of paintballs fusing in midair. you know what i'm talking about.


Re: op anonymous August 2 2009, 02:59:25 UTC
This anon agrees that Canada should win, since Canada does have the power of invisibilty...


Re: The Dead Zone [1/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 01:09:09 UTC
actually I sort of want the italies to win some some really stupid way, like they don't even notice finland or canada is behind them or something, and then one of them trips and the gun goes off or something.


op anonymous August 2 2009, 01:24:18 UTC
dude, that would be ultimate showdown of ultimate destinies brand of hilarity. i approve.


Re: The Dead Zone [1/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 13:02:43 UTC
XD Brilliant, anon, brilliant! Poor little Sweden... XD And poor, pitiful Prussia. Alas, you have fallen deep to get shot by the Italians. Oh, and as it's marked [1/?], there is more coming, right? :D

(Strangely enough, this anon had started something similar way back and never finished that... I wonder if I should post that here.)


The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 02:45:01 UTC
Sorry for the short fill today, anons. Btw, I just want to mention that I've only been paintballing once (and even then it didn't go too well T.T ) so a lot of this is research and stories from close friends. So, hopefully its not too bad (though it doesn't seem like anons hate it ( ... )


Re: The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 03:22:04 UTC
...Not!OP totally wants the Italies to win. Canada, I love you...but while you're invisible to the other nations, at least you don't get bad attention; the Italies deserve this to clear their name and earn some respect!

I love the tag-team they have going on Writernon~ Fabulous! And for some reason, the italian really added to it for me X3


Re: The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 06:22:58 UTC
I agree, Canada and the Italies should have a face off, only for Canada to get owned. That way, both countries would get recognition for what they can do. Everyone wins!


Re: The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 04:44:24 UTC
Full of win anon! Moar!


op anonymous August 3 2009, 06:49:27 UTC
op has to say, for some twisted reason this kind of easy betrayal from venezio is very heartwarming.... the tag teaming is just nothing but win. haha, all the closest relationships have just been ripped up and thrown out the window and i couldn't be happier. -cackles- and you know ludwig and gilbert are not gonna be happy about this when they meet again.


Re: The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 14:38:05 UTC
This anon loves this so far~ God, the Italies Tag Team of Doom and the Italian - XD I nearly choked on my tea laughing. Oh Romano~ <3

Anon wants to throw in her two cents though:

I'd love it if Latvia was the one that got Russia (and Finland) out. Russia because it's like RETRIBUTION!! and Finland because I like to think Finland has a soft spot for cute things with big, watery eyes.

And I vote that the Italies win. Because, like the anon above said, they need their respect (it's long over due, especially for Romano). GO THE ITALIES.

Recaptcha says: The record. What are you implying, recaptcha?


Re: The Dead Zone [2/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 16:19:46 UTC
Oh, I love ya!! Thank you so much for giving this chance to little nations! I love the whole idea and Finland getting Sweden... hell yes! And Italians are just perfect!

I vote for Finland getting Russia, 'cause all Finns hate russians! Please, please, let Finland kill Russia or at least make very, very, scary winterwarmode!Finland for your Finn readers!

But I do hope that either Canada, (or surprisingly) Latvia or Italians win. Or maybe Lithuania/Poland pair.

Oh, but I so hope that Finland would just beat Russia in this. >///<

You're doing amazing job, thank you so much!


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