[part ten: fill] In the Morning [Germany, Prussia, OC!German cities and states]

Jul 03, 2011 22:40

Title: In The Morning
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Germany, fem!Prussia, OC!West Berlin, OC!East Berlin, OC!Saxony, OC!German states. Mentions of OC!Brandenburg.
Rating:  1 Star.

Original Request: This anon has written and read WAYYYYY too many depressing fics about Prussia recently. So, my request is: please give me something with Prussia being SANE and HAPPY in modern times (yes, this means that Prussia (the country) is gone and any abuse from Russia that you might be thinking of has transpired, but he's still alive). You can make a reference to him recovering from some nasty depressive spell, but just show me that he can be happy, even after being left behind by history for so long.

Notes: Genderbending.

Summary: The wall's come down. Germany reunites with his sister, as they attempt to ride out the changes that will inevitably come.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Hetalia Kindex -- (the following fics take place in the same universe)

k:genderbend, c:germany, f:part 10, f: ★, c:prussia, o:original region, d:no pairing

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