Title: Samhain Characters: England, Scotland Challenge: 13- Spook Bonus Words: terror, pumpkin Rating: PG Summary: In which Scotland ropes England into celebrating Samhain with him.
I love these! Well, I love your writing in general and you know that. :)
Even though I only know Scotland at a glance (granted I wrote about him with little knowledge), I love him because he's so mean with Britain, and that's apparently funny. Which is great because of this story.
For the second one, I love anything with Big Brother Britain and Baby America, so I had to 'AWWW!' at how naive America is. Very cute.
Comments 1
Even though I only know Scotland at a glance (granted I wrote about him with little knowledge), I love him because he's so mean with Britain, and that's apparently funny. Which is great because of this story.
For the second one, I love anything with Big Brother Britain and Baby America, so I had to 'AWWW!' at how naive America is. Very cute.
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