Het Big Bang Recs: 3 Recs (Chuck, Community, & Original)

Sep 20, 2015 01:51

I am still working my way through 2015's collection of fantastic works, so I've only got one 2015 rec so far but I also brought two 2013 recs that haven't yet been rec'd (the others I want to post have been already! :D)

From Het Big Bang 2015:

Fandom: Original Work
Pairing: OMC/OFC
Title: The Prince's Most Loyal
Author: Alley_Skywalker
Link: httpRead more... )

fandom: community, ship: original character, fandom: chuck, ship: britta perry/jeff winger, ship: sarah walker/chuck bartowski

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Comments 1

stars_inthe_sky September 21 2015, 13:50:59 UTC
Ohhh, My Girl Sarah is terrific! Rare case of first-person POV actually working out all right.


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