Days 1-12 and 14-31, Multiple fandom/pairing, 30 recs

Oct 12, 2012 02:15

* Day 01 - A fic for your current favorite ship.

Fandom Category: Doctor Who
Pairing: River Song/The Doctor
Fic Title: Timeless Dreams
Author: musedepandora AKA cinderbella333
Link: or Read more... )

ship: guinevere "gwen"/arthur pendragon, ship: buffy summers/angel, fandom: torchwood, fandom: star trek: voyager, ship: mary poppins/bert, ship: hermione granger/draco malfoy, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: wonderwoman, ship: crossover, fandom: doctor who, ship: morgana/arthur pendragon, ship: t'pol/charles "trip" tucker iii, ship: sally donovan/anderson, ship: lily evans/severus snape, fandom: angel, fandom: iron man, fandom: merlin, ship: padme amidala/anakin skywalker, ship: leia organa/han solo, ship: zoe washburne/hoban washburne, fandom: batman, fandom: teen wolf, ship: hermione granger/harry potter, ship: kate argent/derek hale, special: 30 day meme, ship: original character, fandom: mary poppins, ship: river song/the doctor, fandom: harry potter, ship: barbara gordon/john blake, fandom: sherlock (bbc), ship: q/ladyq, ship: wonderwoman/batman, ship: winifred burkle/charles gunn, fandom: star wars, ship: allison argent/scott mccall, ship: winifred burkle/wesley wyndam-pryc, ship: hermione granger/severus snape, ship: lilah morgan/wesley wyndam-pryce, ship: gwen cooper/ianto jones, fandom: the dark knight rises, fandom: comics, fandom: firefly, fandom: star trek: enterprise, ship: rose tyler/the doctor

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Comments 5

stars_inthe_sky October 12 2012, 04:35:53 UTC
Oh my goodness, so many fics I want to read!


endeni October 12 2012, 08:43:56 UTC
Yay! Enjoy! ;)


51stcenturyfox November 25 2012, 05:16:43 UTC
Thank you for the lovely rec! <3 I'll be checking out many of the others.


endeni November 25 2012, 12:06:41 UTC
Yay, I loved the story! And I was so thrilled when I discovered you uploaded it on AO3 so that it could all be read/downloaded in one post. ;)


51stcenturyfox November 29 2012, 10:07:09 UTC
I have come to love AO3 for that! :D


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