Days 1-12 and 14-31, Multiple fandom/pairing, 30 recs

Oct 12, 2012 02:15

* Day 01 - A fic for your current favorite ship.

Fandom Category: Doctor Who
Pairing: River Song/The Doctor
Fic Title: Timeless Dreams
Author: musedepandora AKA cinderbella333
Link: or
Rating/Warning(s): All Ages, None
Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "Every story is his story." A retelling of the Doctor and River Song's romance with magic and iPads.

A dreamy, magical AU that wonderfully shows the epic, mythical nature of Doctor/River. Terrific writing.

* Day 02 - A fic for your very first ship.

Fandom Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy Summers/Angel
Fic Title: The Happiest Day
Author: shadowscast
Rating/Warning(s): All Ages, None
Genre: Humor, Futurefic
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: That pesky gypsy curse.

A perfect, witty drabble. Great fun! ;)

* Day 03 - A fic for UST.

Fandom Category: Star Wars
Pairing: Han Solo/Leia Organa
Fic Title: Han Solo and the Princess
Author: LASOS
Rating/Warning(s): K+, none
Genre: Humor, Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The five times Han Solo proposed to Leia Organa.

Well, Han and Leia are the definition of UST, aren't they? This story has a fantastic style and is a joy to read.

* Day 04 - A fic that demonstrates how a pairing with little canon romantic chemistry/interaction can totally work.

Fandom Category: Torchwood
Pairing: Gwen Cooper/Ianto Jones
Fic Title: 99:00
Author: 51stcenturyfox
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, References to suicide
Genre: Dark
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Ianto and Gwen - caught in the Hub together when Tosh's time lock traps the Dalek. What if it never releases them?

A The Stolen Earth/Journey's End What If. Very interesting concept, great characters/relationship development, fantastic writing.

* Day 05 - A fic with the best kiss/sex scene.

Fandom Category: Merlin
Pairing: Morgana/Arthur Pendragon
Fic Title: Sin Alone
Author: ed_84
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, Magic made them do it, Sex, Language.
Genre: AU, Romance, PWP
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: They aren’t meant to meet, but it’s a chance encounter a full night before the fertility rights of the Beltane feasts, and Morgana and Arthur’s lives are about to change.

An AU in which Arthur and Morgana didn't grew up knowing each other. The fic is inspired to "The Mists of Avalon", which I dearly love, and its fascinating Beltane fertility rites. Yet, despite the AU promise, the characters are still recognizably themselves. Plus, the fic is hot like burning.

* Day 06 - A fic with the most heartbreaking scene.

Fandom Category: Star Wars
Pairing: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker
Fic Title: Sola's Questions
Author: Disco Shop Girl
Rating/Warning(s): K+, none
Genre: Angst, Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Sola has questions over Padmé's death.

A really clever fic, in which Sola's conclusions are very incorrect and yet very right all the same. The ending is so sad and poignant.

* Day 07 - A fic for a pairing with a lot of baggage.

Fandom Category: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Kate Argent/Derek Hale
Fic Title: Smile (everything will be fine)
Author: Tyleet
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Genre: Dark
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "This is a joke to you?"
"Sweetheart. There are werewolves running around in the world right now. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?"
Kate Argent and the fire.

A fantastic character study of Kate Argent. The description of Kate and Derek's developing of relationship is superb and chilling.

* Day 08 - A fic for a pairing about a wedding and/or baby.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Fic Title: What Malfoys Do Best
Author: sunnyjune46
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13, None
Genre: Humor, Futurefic
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The Malfoys are great at many things. They can antagonize servants like no other, spend money like it’s going out of style, sway the current government to their liking, and change a light-bulb without looking. But what is it that Malfoys do best?

A sweet and hilarious read, with a fantastic Hermione.

* Day 09 - A fic for your favorite live action TV show pairing.

Fandom Category: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Title: When the war is over
Author: anr
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, none
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: This is not supposed to be easy.

After the end of the third season, Trip and T'pol's relationship evolves in a natural and organic way. A long, satisfying story, everything just feels quiet and comfortable.

* Day 10 - A fic for your favorite Movie pairing.

Fandom Category: Star Wars
Pairing: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker
Fic Title: Act II, Scene XXIII
Author: Elana
Rating/Warning(s): K+, none
Genre: Romance, Poetry
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The fireside scene from AotC, as Shakespeare would have written it.

So original! Lovely!

* Day 11 - A fic for your favorite Book pairing.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Fic Title: Unquenchable, or Eternal Sunshine of the Hogwarts Mind
Author: sobriquet_99
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, Dark!ReallyScrewedUp!Ron, mind control, sex, language
Genre: Drama/Horror, Angst, Mystery/Suspense
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Ron and Hermione are happily married, but every once in a while Hermione gets really depressed and Harry (who's still best friends with them) gets really awkward around them. Turns out Harry and Hermione have kissed/shagged/bondage and naturally they come and tell Ron first. He oblivates them and things carry on as normal. But then it keeps happening and happening and the time in between gets shorter and shorter and they keep keeping their secret for longer (naturally the first person they always tell is Ron, so no one else ever knows).

Awesome read, so original and creepy! Terrific ending.

* Day 12 - A fic for your favorite Animated pairing.

Fandom Category: DC Superheroes
Pairing: Diana Prince/Bruce Wayne
Fic Title: Escape Artistry
Author: hradzka
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: Romance, Adventure
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Wonder Woman is eager to learn new things. Batman, less so.

A story with a perfect concept and an amazing, fierce Diana. The ending is both surprising and very in character.

* Day 14 - A fic for an Old School Fandom from back in the day.

Fandom Category: Star Trek Voyager
Pairing: Q/LadyQ
Fic Title: Judgement Day: The Partisan
Author: Alara Rogers
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Genre: Dark, Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The Continuum war, told from the perspective of Q's companion.

Part of the longer, absolutely fabulous Judgement Day series, this fic can also be read as a stand-alone.
An epic tale of war, desperation and vengeance. Fanfiction at its very best.

* Day 15 - A fic that convinced you of a pairing you previously hated.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Fic Title: The Man of Property series
Author: Josan
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, psychological scarring
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance, Erotica
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Two days later, in the estate agent’s office, with some additional conditions agreed upon, Snape wrote a cheque for the entire, undisputed amount and handed it over.
In return, he received a sheath of documents indicating that he was now a man of property.

The only Snape/Hermione I've ever read and enjoyed, aside from the irreverent The Sixty Second HS Fanfic by Veresna Ussep. This pairing usually squicks me and yet Josan's writing is so wonderful that it really sells me on Snape and Hermione's relationship, which feels really human and real.

* Day 16 - An epic fic.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lily Evans/Severus Snape
Fic Title: Advanced Potion-Making
Author: fire_everything
chapters 1-4:
chapter 5:
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, profanity, magical dub-con, mild kink, possibly disturbing reproductive issues/procedures
Genre: Pre-series, Angst
WIP?: Yes
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Nineteen-year-old Snape's post-Hogwarts life is going surprisingly well. He has gainful employment, valued skills, a place of his own, a political affiliation, a mentor he admires, and hard-won freedom from several past relationships that tormented him. But he also has stubbornly lingering feelings for his estranged friend Lily Evans, an unquenchable hatred for her fiancé James Potter, and a continuing compulsion to tamper with and improve perfectly adequate potions recipes. When these three conditions come together one fateful day, Snape undertakes a potions experiment that will irrevocably change several people's lives for better and worse.

An original, fascinating tale, featuring amazing writing and storytelling, a totally engaging take on the Severus/Lily relationship, a fantastic Severus, a sophisticated, layered Voldemort, an intriguing Eileen Snape, a great Dumbledore... Really, the story is just full of well-rounded and interesting characters, even the smallest OCs are realistic and peculiar.
The only drawback I could mention is that it's a WIP. Or possibly abandoned. But does it really matter? We all know how the story is going to end, after all. It's what happened before that's fascinating. And with over 50000 words of back-story goodness this fic makes for an incredibly satisfying read.

* Day 17 - A short fic.

Fandom Category: Mary Poppins
Pairing: Mary Poppins/Bert
Fic Title: Eternity in a Kiss
Author: snacky
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences, Features a few "blink and you'll miss it" crossovers.
Genre: Romance, Back-story
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Bert tells of his life with Mary Poppins.

A fantastic read, so lyrical and imaginative!

* Day 18 - An Alternate Universe fic.

Fandom Category: Merlin
Pairing: Gwen/Arthur Pendragon
Fic Title: When You Can See Forever the Horizon Becomes the Boundary of the World (A Sort-of Fairytale)
Author: meri_sefket
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: AU
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: When Queen Boudicca comes to visit Camelot it turns out she knows a lot more about Gwen's past than Gwen does. Gwen might be the Queen's unacknowledged first daughter, and as such is now heir to the throne - on the other side of Albion from the world she had know her whole life. What will this mean for her and her friends? What will this mean for her and Arthur? When you throw accusations of magic in the mix will anything Gwen once cherished survive?

What if one of the show most original premise turned out false? What if Gwen wasn't a commoner after all? You'd think that would solve things. You'd be wrong...
Also, there's gorgeous accompanying art by satavaisa:

* Day 19 - An angsty fic.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Fic Title: Wash It Clean
Author: Wanda Whortle (Krista)
Rating/Warning(s): Mature/R for language and adult themes
Genre: AU, Drama, Angst, Romance, Futurefic
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The war is over and the world is in ruins with many people dead. The survivors must learn to move on with their lives. Sometimes, that means finding comfort where it’s least expected. Follows Deathly Hallows until the final battle then becomes AU. Not Epilogue Compliant (EWE?)

In which Draco and Hermione find out that family is not only the people we are born to but the people we choose and that, in the end, there's hope even after tragedy. A very imaginative story, written with a very original style. Amazing.

* Day 20 - A fluffy fic.

Fandom Category: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor
Fic Title: A Proper Hello
Author: mrv3000
Rating/Warning(s): PG, none
Genre: Humor
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The Doctor decides to join Rose on a Torchwood mission.

So funny and heart-warming! ;)

* Day 21 - A rare pairing fic.

Fandom Category: Sherlock
Pairing: Sally Donovan/Anderson
Fic Title: The End of the Affair
Author: igrockspock
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Sally would rather marry her job than keep sleeping with a married man.

A perfect Sally fic. Insightful and interesting.

* Day 22 - A canon pairing fic.

Fandom Category: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor
Fic Title: Orphans of Time
Author: Dira Sudis
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit, none
Genre: Romance
WIP?: Yes
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "Well, he's the same old Doctor so far," Jackie remarked.

It's just a first chapter, but boy, it's fantastic! So sweet and engaging, with gorgeous imagery. And Dira's view of Duplicate Ten is really fascinating.

* Day 23 - A pairing where one character is paired in multiple ships.

Fandom Category: Angel the series
Pairing: Winifred Burkle/Charles Gunn, Winifred Burkle/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Fic Title: Waiting in the Wings
Author: likeadeuce
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: The season 3 love triangle, from every point of view. Triple drabble.

Perfect drabbles that really capture the characters and make you ache for all three of them.

* Day 24 - A crossover pairing fic.

Fandom Category: Star Wars/Iron Man
Pairing: Leia Organa/Tony Stark
Fic Title: The One Where Tony Stark And Princess Leia Hook Up
Author: melannen
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, Genocide
Genre: Crossover
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Tony's thinking about asking for another go, running locks of long, sleek brown hair between his fingers, when Leia laughs a little and says, "You know, you're probably the least inappropriate guy I've ever slept with."

OMG, so original & clever & funny & sad but ultimately hopeful! Fantastic read! *g*

* Day 25 - A fic where a canon character is paired with an original character.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: OFC/Severus Snape
Fic Title: What Snape Wants
Author: Odd Doll
Rating/Warning(s): W, none
Genre: Drama
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Snape spends a small fortune to hire a woman who can give him exactly what he wants.

An original and intense tale. A fascinating read.
(N.B. You must log in or register to the site to be able to access the fic.)

* Day 26 - A future fic.

Fandom Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Fic Title: A local's guide to life in London
Author: owlyscribblings
Rating/Warning(s): PG, none
Genre: Drama/Angst, Romance, Fluff
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: When Hermione broke up with Ron (for real, for good, forever) she didn't rage and she didn't yell and she didn't cry.

A quiet friend-to-lovers fic set in the future, full of grace and warm.

* Day 27 - A pre-series fic.

Fandom Category: Firefly
Pairing: Zoe Washburne/Hoban Washburne
Fic Title: He Thought He Knew Her
Author: krys33
Link: or
Rating/Warning(s): T/PG-13, none
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "What he didn’t know was that this was just the tip of the iceberg. Turned out there was a lot about Zoë that he didn’t know, and maybe hadn’t even considered."

A perfect back-story, so warm and sweet.

* Day 28 - A kink fic.

Fandom Category: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Allison Argent/Scott McCall
Fic Title: Junk in the Trunk
Author: tsukinofaerii
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: Humor
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "What do you mean, you got stuck in her?" (Or, Lydia and Stiles deserve all the Best Friend Ever Awards for this stuff.)

Knotting fic! :D

* Day 29 - A fic that best deals with that character you loved who was unfairly fridged/killed in canon.

Fandom Category: Angel: the Series
Pairing: Lilah Morgan/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Fic Title: No Rest for the Wicked
Author: justhuman
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: AU, Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: "Lilah, can't you even let a man rest in peace. I'm dead."

A fix-it for my darling Wes. Lovely and a little bit sad.

* Day 30 - A fic you've read and reread a dozen times.

Fandom Category: Angel: the Series
Pairing: Winifred Burkle/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Fic Title: The Periodic Table of Wesley
Author: idyll
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, none
Genre: Romance, Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Fred classifies Wesley.

So very original! The writing is so lyrical and moving! Every now and then I find myself going back to it, savoring again each word. *_*

* Day 31 - BONUS - Wildcard/Catch up on a missed day

Fandom Category: Dark Knight Rises
Pairing: Barbara Gordon/John Blake
Fic Title: Like a second skeleton
Author: metonymy
Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences, none
Genre: AU, Post-Canon
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
Summary: Gotham is healing, and John Blake has been left with a legacy. Nothing in his life seems to fit quite right: not the suit he's been left, not his new role with the Wayne Home for Children, and certainly not Jim Gordon's daughter. But if he wants to make it through this, he's going to have to learn how to balance them all and find his own way of being a hero.

I have nothing for Day 13 since I don't really read RPF, but here's a fic that didn't fit in any of the above category that I just had to include. If after watching the movie you didn't feel totally convinced by John Blake's character, or couldn't fathom how he was going to fullfill his legacy, this fic merges movie canon with comic canon and just makes everything better... *_* Delightful.

ship: guinevere "gwen"/arthur pendragon, ship: buffy summers/angel, fandom: torchwood, fandom: star trek: voyager, ship: mary poppins/bert, ship: hermione granger/draco malfoy, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: wonderwoman, ship: crossover, fandom: doctor who, ship: morgana/arthur pendragon, ship: t'pol/charles "trip" tucker iii, ship: sally donovan/anderson, ship: lily evans/severus snape, fandom: angel, fandom: iron man, fandom: merlin, ship: padme amidala/anakin skywalker, ship: leia organa/han solo, ship: zoe washburne/hoban washburne, fandom: batman, fandom: teen wolf, ship: hermione granger/harry potter, ship: kate argent/derek hale, special: 30 day meme, ship: original character, fandom: mary poppins, ship: river song/the doctor, fandom: harry potter, ship: barbara gordon/john blake, fandom: sherlock (bbc), ship: q/ladyq, ship: wonderwoman/batman, ship: winifred burkle/charles gunn, fandom: star wars, ship: allison argent/scott mccall, ship: winifred burkle/wesley wyndam-pryc, ship: hermione granger/severus snape, ship: lilah morgan/wesley wyndam-pryce, ship: gwen cooper/ianto jones, fandom: the dark knight rises, fandom: comics, fandom: firefly, fandom: star trek: enterprise, ship: rose tyler/the doctor

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