Chuck is my happy place, and
Chuck/Sarah just make it happier! *G*
Starred fic is for the current challenge.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski, Ellie Bartowski/Devon "Awesome" Woodcomb, Anna Wu/Morgan Grimes
Series Title: Five Times Chuck and Sarah Share A Bed For Their Cover (And One Time They Just Do)
tag for all 6 partsRating/Warning(s): PG-13/R
Genre: romance, action adventure, spy!world
WIP?: nope!
Why This Must Be Read: This was one of the first Chuck/Sarah fics I read for the fandom and to this day it's still one of my favourites. A six part series that depicts every aspect of the show and the ship wonderfully. Chuck and Sarah are spot on in their actions and feelings. A wonderful read.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: Falling
neotantrikaLink: NC-17, sexy time!
Genre: PWP, really.
WIP?: nope!
Why This Must Be Read: Because it's Chuck/Sarah PWP! Hot fic, believable situation, good characterisation, and very nice Sarah pov. Plus Chuck/Sarah PWP!
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: The Anatomy Of A Smile
takethewordsLink: PG, cuteness?
Genre: friendship, ust, character study
WIP?: nope!
Why This Must Be Read: Wonderful moment between Chuck and Sarah in which Sarah drops her wall just a little, but enough for Chuck. One of my favourite things about them is just even though that she's not supposed to, Sarah feels comfortable with Chuck, safe even, and this show that nicely.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: Chuck vs. Sarah's Heart*
dealan311Link: PG
Genre: fluff, ust, friendship
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read: This is just cute wrapped up in slight angst with a topping of more cuteness.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski, background Ellie Bartowski/Devon "Awesome" Woodcomb
Fic Title: For Appearance's Sake
gespawchoLink: PG-13
Genre: more cuteness, ust,
WIP?: nah
Why This Must Be Read: The fact that Chuck and Sarah have to actively play a lovey-dovey couple, while not being a couple, while being totally into each other is one of my favourite things. This fic just plays on that perfectly.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: Legroom
svilleficrecsLink: NC-17, car sex.
Genre: PWP
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: Chuck/Sarah having car sex. Nuff said. Short and porny, it's also surprisingly sweet.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: Sins of an Unforgivable Nature
Author: brickroad16
Link: (off-site)
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13, deals with abortion.
Genre: angst, character study.
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: This is actually a sadder fic dealing with tough issue, which is really only present at the end of the fic, but I think it gives an interesting look at Sarah's character and just how she compartmentalises between her job and her feelings for her Chuck.
Fandom Category: Chuck
Pairing: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Fic Title: One Part Princess Leia, Two Part Termintator
pirateygoodnessLink: NC-17
Genre: character study, porn
WIP?: nope!
Why This Must Be Read: Like Chuck says, This girl could totally kill me. , but like him, we find out it's totally hot. Pretty much a perfect Chuck pov about his relationship with Sarah. Sweet, funnny, like Chuck himself, there is also really hot sex.
note: the Yuletide links weren't working for me, but as soon they do I'll add them to the list.