Fandom: Stargate: SG1
Pairing: Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill
Row 1
Sex Pollen
Title: Lowered Inhibitions
Author: magikmoons
Link: E, for solo sexy times that happen together
Word Count/WIP?: 1,939 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Early Sam and Jack just have so much potential for sexual chemistry and this story showcases it beautifully.
Title: Enmity
Author: MtheT
Link: M, for hate sex
Word Count/WIP?: 29,370 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
This is a wonderful AU setting that shows even if the regs don't apply, Carter & O'Neill still manage to muck everything up.
Title: Leather & Lace series
Author: KimberleyJackson
Link: M - E, for MASSIVE amounts of sexy times
Word Count/WIP?: 46,520 over 8 stories / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
It's Sam and Jack being kinky as heck, and it's hot, hot, hot!
Title: Stargate Aschen
Author: KimberleyJackson
Link: M, for sexy times
Word Count/WIP?: 290.089 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Kimberley takes one episode idea, moves it up a few hundred years, and builds a world that is vast and incredible.
Hogwarts AU
Title: Deepest Desires
Author: justanotherjen
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 497 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
A sweet little one shot that gives us a look at Jack's mind.
Row 2
Time Travel
Title: Chance Encounter
Author: ShoeQueen
Link: G
Word Count/WIP?: 8,359 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
The trip to 1969 was crazy, but what if it was even crazier? This is that fic (and it's every bit as silly and fluffy as you could hope for).
Sudden Superpowers
Title: Super Speed
Author: knightshade
Link: E, for super enhanced sexy times
Word Count/WIP?: 4,276 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Most “Upgrades” fic focus on setting up later events, but this one is pure fluff - just Jack and Sam letting their new powers go to their heads.
Title: Two Wrong and Not Enough Right
Author: colsamcarter
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 2,120 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Jack being Jack... and Sam loving him in spite of it ;)
Spin the Bottle
Title: Like Cardiac Arrest, High Voltage in Her Lips
Author: colsamcarter
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 6,117 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
If canon has shown us anything, it's that no matter what the setting Jack and Sam are going to happen - even if one of them is dressed like Peter Pan.
Title: Strange Shadows
Author: Aenigmatic
Link: E, for sexy times
Word Count/WIP?: 47,649 / YES
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Great world building, and Aenigmatic manages to keep Sam and Jack in character, even though they have no clue who they are.
Row 3
Title: Prometheus Gold
Author: Philyra
Link: G
Word Count/WIP?: 5,221 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Pacific Rim is one of my favorite action movies and SG1 is my current favorite fandom, and together they are perfection.
Role Playing
Other Trope - Accidental Marrage
Title: Beautiful Far Away
Author: amaradangeli
Link: M (but personally I'd call it T)
Word Count/WIP?: 43,928 / No
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n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Who doesn't love a good “what do you mean, we're married? It was just a flower?!”
Title: Consequences
Author: Beatrice_Otter
Link: G
Word Count/WIP?: 46,344 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
The best characterization of Pregnant!Sam I've ever read.
Romance Novel AU
Row 4
Mind Games
Title: 'Til the Stars Burn Out Above You
Author: gingasaur
Link: E, for rape, torture situations
Word Count/WIP?: 7,355 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
It may be dark and scary, but this is a much more realistic portrayal of what Sam's breaking point would be.
Cuddling for Warmth
Title: Breath in the Bitter Cold
Author: knightshade
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 1,470 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Because season one Sam discovering she might feel more for her CO then she should is wonderful!
Undercover Sex Worker
Hollywood AU
Title: The One Where They're All Porn Stars
Author: draco_somnians
Link: M, for activities suggested in the title
Word Count/WIP?: 546 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
It's just so silly.
Secret Relationship
Title: Supposition series
Author: bluemoonmaverick
Link: T - E
Word Count/WIP?: 43,562 over 30 stories / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
I's happy and heartbreaking and wonderful, managing to twist plots yet still stay true to canon.
Row 5
Title: Consul
Author: aadarshinah
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 3,374 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
It's SG1 meets The West Wing, so it's walking and talking about intergalactic war.
Nonhuman Lovers
Alt Time Period AU
Title: Cast Your Fate to the Wind
Author: a_loquita
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 19,592 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
Because SG1 fits so well into the Old West!
Title: Daydreaming
Author: justanotherjen
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 900 / No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
n_e_star Why This Must Be Read:
I may sound like a broken record but... it's season two Sam and it's just so fluffy!