Adam Adamant Lives!, 2 recs, Georgina Jones/Adam Adamant

Oct 30, 2015 14:08

Fandom: Adam Adamant Lives!
Pairing: Georgina Jones/Adam Adamant
Title: Really Happening
Author: Liadt
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Word Count/WIP?: 8688
Recced on LiveJournal By: lost_spook

Why This Must Be Read: Adam Adamant Lives! was a 1960s show - he's a Edwardian adventurer who's been defrosted in the 60's, she's a swinging nightclub DJ, and together with Adam's limerick loving manservant, Simms, they fight crime! And incidentally, are thoroughly adorable and very pretty together, hence shippage.

This is a great, entertaining fic in which Georgie and Simms rush to save Adam from the horrors of a 60s hippy commune, a step that leads inevitably to a fake marriage (it's either that or group sky clad dancing) that rapidly becomes not very fake at all. It's humorous, fun and sweet, just like the source.

(For the trope square "Other Trope" - Fake Marriage)

Fandom: Adam Adamant Lives!
Pairing: Georgina Jones/Adam Adamant
Title: A Cold Place in Autumn
Author: Aris Merquoni
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Word Count/WIP?: 2619
Recced on LiveJournal By: lost_spook

Why This Must Be Read: As the summary says, "Everyone knows that what you do for hypothermia when you're huddling in a shack is to strip down naked and huddle under a blanket with the only other person there! Doesn't everyone know that?" Adam and Georgie find themselves trapped in a fanfic cliche; Adam is appalled but Georgie's ready to play along. Brilliantly done, and, again, fun, sweet and in character.

(For the trope square "Cuddling for warmth")

Mods - I'll need fandom and pairing tags, if possible, please!

ship: georgina jones/adam adamant, fandom: adam adamant lives!

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