These are both for my “trapped together” bingo square:
Fandom: Life With Derek
Pairing: Casey McDonald/Derek Venturi
Title: For Reasons Unknown
Author: snappleducated
Link: M
Word Count/WIP?: 6844 words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: blithers
Why This Must Be Read: This is Casey and Derek, a little bit older, still bugging the shit out of each other, and trapped together in an elevator - which gives both of them a chance to work a few issues out. This story is amazing at showing the push and pull of their relationship and the tart, sitcom-y argumentativeness between these two characters. One of my favs for this fandom.
Fandom: Life With Derek
Pairing: Casey McDonald/Derek Venturi
Title: Head Case
Author: Phoenix Satori
Link: T
Word Count/WIP?: 3389 words, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: blithers
Why This Must Be Read: This is a bit of a different definition of the term “trapped together”, as Casey’s hair accidentally ends up stuck in the zipper of Derek’s pants and awkwardness (as you might imagine) ensues. I really enjoy all of this author’s LWD fics - they have a way of writing rambling stream-of-conciousness, with all these parenthetical asides that come bubbling up, that’s unique and dense and humorous all at once.