[Axis Powers Hetalia, America/England: You Say To-may-to, I Say To-mah-to]

Jan 26, 2011 23:14

Title: You Say To-may-to, I Say To-mah-to
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG
Pairing: America/England
Word Count: 833
Summary: America and England have a very mature discussion about how to pronounce things.
Notes: For misura's winning bid for waltzmatildah's Fic Fundraiser Challenge.

It’s caaa-rah-mel. The second ‘a’ isn’t silent. )

!fanfic: oneshot, pairing: america/england, *fandom: axis powers hetalia

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Comments 29

ren_chan146 January 27 2011, 09:31:33 UTC
What a cute one-shot. It sure made my day more bright.
And it's always interesting for me to learn about the differences in pronounciation between AE and BE. Thanks for that.^^


abarero January 27 2011, 15:03:59 UTC

It's not so much AE and BE, but just regional dialects as well. I know I say car-mel, but my roommate says cara-mel. :)


lonelystorm January 27 2011, 11:29:09 UTC
I second that! It's really sweet! I'm from Germany and it's nice to learn something about AE and BE pronounciation as we learn BE in school and we are surrounded by AE every day.^^

P.S.: We all know though that Hetalia is all about learning more about our neighbouring countries!^__^


abarero January 27 2011, 15:04:40 UTC

Though it can differ in various regions (as I mentioned above) within the US or UK. We each have our own accent or way of saying things.


nasty_show January 27 2011, 12:56:14 UTC
Oh golly this is adorable! So much cute in one story makes me a very happy bunny ^^ the bit about them holding hands made me all gooey inside, and the dancing XD love it! ♥ My face looks like my icon :D


abarero January 27 2011, 15:07:52 UTC
Thank you so much~!

Ahah, I love them holding hands and being dorks and dancing. :)


undone_reading January 27 2011, 13:28:56 UTC
This was really cute! England pretending to be a punk with whip cream on his face is both hysterical and adorable.

but too those people who think those pronunciations are purely American vs. British, they're not. They're pronounced different ways within the United States.
I've always said Care-A-mel, which I suppose is different than either or them, but I've heard people say carmel from the same region as me.

I've never actually heard anyone say to-mah-to... A Southern thing perhaps?


abarero January 27 2011, 15:06:44 UTC
Thank you so much~!

Oh yes, it's a very regional thing (as I mentioned in reply to the two above). I know I say car-mel, but plenty of people who live around me say cara-mel. I'm certain even in the UK, the way it's said varies heavily on location.

The song that has the To-may-to/to-mah-to thing is actually a play off regional dialects and class (higher/lower class) dialects at the time (1937).


meer_sshi January 27 2011, 13:44:42 UTC
Their bickering is cute ^^


abarero January 27 2011, 15:08:34 UTC
They're good at that being-cute thing, silly boys :)


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