[Axis Powers Hetalia, America/England: You Say To-may-to, I Say To-mah-to]

Jan 26, 2011 23:14

Title: You Say To-may-to, I Say To-mah-to
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG
Pairing: America/England
Word Count: 833
Summary: America and England have a very mature discussion about how to pronounce things.
Notes: For misura's winning bid for waltzmatildah's Fic Fundraiser Challenge.

The meeting room was full of the post-meeting buzz that accompanied all the nations being allowed to speak without Germany glaring at them for interrupting important business. America, who’d been bouncing a bit in his seat the whole time, bolted up and quickly sidled up to England where he was still sitting arranging his paperwork.

He slid a McDonald’s cup in front of him, beaming widely. “Hey England, you gotta try this!”

England glanced down at the cup being thrust under his nose and raised a thick eyebrow, concern evident in his expression. “And pray tell what’s in this?”

America grinned, eyes twinkling, “It’s a secret.”

Warily, England took the cup and eyed it. “Did you put bacon in it?”

“I don’t put bacon in everything, England. Jeez.”

Picking up the cup and swirling it a bit around, he attempted to squint in through the small hole in the lid as if to assure that nothing looked odd about it. America did have this habit of adding bacon or other ingredients to food that it should best be left out of.

“Is this coffee?”

“Just try it!” America sing-songed. “You don’t have to like it, but...” he leaned down and whispered, voice going a bit husky, “I know you will.”

England flushed, eyes glancing around to their fellow nations. Private things, such as his relationship with America, were just that. Private. Last thing he needed was more wink-wink-nudge-nudge comments from the idiots in Europe who insisted on making his life miserable.

With a nod, he blew gently on the steam rising out of the cup and took a small sip. Green eyes went wide and he gave America a pleasantly surprised look.

“See, knew you liked caramel.”

England, who paused in the middle of a second sip, retorted, “It’s caaa-rah-mel. The second ‘a’ isn’t silent.”

“You are just trying to make it sound swanky and dignified,” America shot back, taking a sip of his own drink. “Car-mel mochas are the best, and you just can’t handle that it isn’t some stodgy tea.”

“My preference for tea has nothing to do with your mispronunciation!”

“Oh look, I’m Eeeeengland, I’m a gentleman, I cannot drink something that is called car-mel, I must drink caaaaa-rah-mel.” America cocked up his pinky at this and took a sip of his drink as if it was a teacup.

England huffed, yanked off the lid to the cup, and in the most American way he could manage, downed the whole rest of the drink in one go.

America stared.

“What?” He snapped. “I can be a punk too, you know. Or did you forget the 1980s?”

Chuckling, America leaned in and pecked a kiss to England’s nose.

All his British bluster died in an instant, his face heating up as he stammered out, “G-Git, what are you doing?”

“You had whipped cream on your nose, Mr. Punk.”

With a clatter of his chair England stood up, grabbed his paperwork under one arm and snatched up America’s wrist (wrist, not hand, you other nations staring!) and directed him out of the meeting room and into the hallway.

“England, what are you…”

“You. Are. Incorrigible,” he huffed out. “Do you know that?”

America just laughed. “Yeah, you tell me that like once a week, at least.”

Coming to an abrupt halt, England sighed. Glancing up through his scraggly bangs, he muttered out, “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t appreciate you getting me that drink…”

America leaned down, pecking a kiss to another smudge of whipped cream still on England’s cheek. “Just don’t like the fact that France will tease you for the next two weeks about whipped cream, huh? I’ll keep that in mind next time.”

England nodded, sliding his hand down to take America’s hand. “It would be most appreciated.”

“Gotcha,” America replied, giving his hand a squeeze. “Oh, so did you want to get something to eat? There’s that café nearby that serves up a mean grilled cheese with tomato soup.”

“To-may-to,” England replied, giving him a bit of a teasing smirk.

“You like to-may-to, I like to-mah-to,” America started to sing.

“Oh bloody hell, don’t you…”

“Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto, let's call the whole thing off!”

Grabbing England by both hands, America started doing a soft-shoe dance along to his singing, dragging his boyfriend along with him.

”But oh! If we call the whole thing off, then we must part. And oh! If we ever part, then that might break my heart.”

And shaking his head, England let himself be pulled along as America danced and sang down the hallway.

“So, if you like pyjamas and I like pajamas, I'll wear pyjamas and give up pajamas. For we know we need each other, so we better call the calling off off. Let's call the whole thing off!”

And as America nuzzled his nose against England’s and stole a kiss, England decided he didn’t mind this time. After all, at least this time no one was watching.


[1] The drink in question is the new McDonald's Caramel Mocha, which actually does have a radio commerical about caramel vs. car-mel. XD

[2] The song America breaks into is "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off," song written by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin for the 1937 film Shall We Dance where it was introduced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers as part of a celebrated dance duet on roller skates.

!fanfic: oneshot, pairing: america/england, *fandom: axis powers hetalia

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