Heroes Het Fic Awards Voting Clarification

Jun 06, 2009 10:35

Hey everyone! There appears to be some discrepancy about how voting works, so I thought I'd take a moment and clarify some of the rules.

  • You do not need to vote in every category. However, please try to contain your votes all in one comment. In other words, don't submit your votes and then go back and vote for categories you ignored before. It makes it difficult for us when double-checking.

  • You do not have to vote for three fics in each category. If you only liked one or two fics in a category, then you only have to vote for one or two. However, the note above still applies - don't tack on another voting submission in a different comment.

  • You do not have to code your votes. A simple list of votes will suffice; as long as they include the category, name, and place, it's all good. The coding was merely a suggestion.

    Voting post is here.

    On a final note, I promise that psycho_llama and I don't bite, so if you have an issue with anything (whether with the community or with these awards specifically) you can contact either of us via PM or send an email to heroes.het.fic@gmail.com.
  • mod!post, fic awards

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