Title: Devotion
pennswoods &
curi_oPairing/Characters: Hermione/Theodore/Draco and Hermione/Ron
Summary: When Hermione returns to Hogwarts after the war, tentative new friendships conflict with old- and may even become something more.
Rating: Teen (PG-13)
Warnings: Infidelity, implications of past domestic violence, references to war violence
Word Count: 21,065
Author's Notes: A million thanks to my beta team: grey_gazania, an_narctica, and aveeno_baby. Without their advice and encouragement, this fic would probably have never even gotten finished. Extra thanks to grey_gazania for being an awesome cheerleader and sounding board whenever I got stuck, and an_narctica for being full of great advice on Ron.
(Fic: Devotion)