Title: Stranger Things
Beadslut &
mamabasto, &
tbranch Pairing/Characters: Hermione Granger / Tim McGee
Summary: An NCIS investigation into the disappearance and murder of US Marines is complicated by a werewolf attack on one of their agents and the appearance of a young Englishwoman who is chasing a cure. With carte blanche from the Ministry of Magic, knowledge gleaned from the Malfoy library, a pair of Aurors and the NCIS lab, she must face down opposition from the agencies that regulate magical creatures as well as her own self-doubts, to save her new friend.
Crossover Fandom: NCIS
Rating: Adult (R)
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 36,410
Author's Notes: With thanks to our betas.
(Fic: Stranger Things)