
Jan 05, 2012 19:30

snagged from jinxed_wood:

I will send a handmade mystery item by the end of the year to the first 5 people who comment on this post. Rules? You leave a comment here, and then post a similar message on YOUR journal and send a handmade mystery item to the first 5 people who comment. (And yes, this is a world wide offer!)


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Comments 1

jinxed_wood January 5 2012, 19:44:59 UTC
Are you considered a legal adult in your country/place of residence? Yup!
What is/are your favorite color(s)? Indigo and moss green!
Do you have any allergies? I have a zinc intolerence when wearing metals but other than that I'm golden!
Who is/are your favorite artist(s)? My tastes are very eclectic, from Andy Goldsworthy, Kathy Prendergast, and Anthony Gormley as Sculptors - to Harry Clarke and Aubrey Beardsley as illustrators. Also: Marc Chagall, Egon Schiele, Georgia O'Keefe, Sean Scully, and Mark Rothko (I'm going to stop here!)
Who is/are your favorite book(s)? Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), The Player of Games (Iain M Banks), The Graveyard Book (Neil Gaiman), Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), Grass (Sheri S. Tepper), The Handmaids Tale (Margaret Atwood) and everything by Terry Pratchett!
Who is/are your favorite fandom(s)? Highlander and Dctor Who are still my biggies, but I'm also fond of Sanctuary, Lost Girl, Being Human and Sherlock!
Who is/are your favorite fairytales(s)? Little Red Riding Hood ( ... )


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