
Jan 05, 2012 19:30

snagged from jinxed_wood:

I will send a handmade mystery item by the end of the year to the first 5 people who comment on this post. Rules? You leave a comment here, and then post a similar message on YOUR journal and send a handmade mystery item to the first 5 people who comment. (And yes, this is a world wide offer!)


You have to be willing to give me your address. (I mean, obviously - I will pm you about those, don't post it here.)
Are you considered a legal adult in your country/place of residence?
What is/are your favorite color(s)?
Do you have any allergies?
Who is your favorite artist(s)?
What is your favourite book(s)?
What is your favourite fandom(s?
What is your favourite fairytale(s)?
If you were to choose a favourite imaginary character, who would it be? (and WHY?!)
Do you pinkie swear that you're going to fulfill the obligations of this meme/contract and reciprocate with homemade goods to five members of your flist?

I also copied her questions because they are good ones :)
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