remastering superstar, or: just shoot me.

Jul 21, 2003 00:29

This stupid fucking vid has cuts like every sixteen frames. Two-thirds of the clips have been slowed down or speeded up. And virtually every one is timed to some tiny thing in the music that, okay, probably only I can hear, but I have looked at this vid so. many. times. that if I get a clip just two frames out of alignment it looks off to me ( Read more... )

vid: superstar, vidding: remastering, vid: lotr

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Comments 22

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heresluck July 21 2003, 18:12:01 UTC
Thanks. I'm better now. *g*


renenet July 20 2003, 23:35:12 UTC
Oh. My. God. I am laughing so hard at your pain right now that I can't stand it. I'm only daring to post about it because I trust that you're safely asleep in bed and won't read this until you're refreshed and slightly less psychotic.

Now, *how* pleased with yourself are you going to be when you're done with this remastering? That's what I thought.


heresluck July 21 2003, 18:13:31 UTC
Hey! Quit mocking my pain! :p

And yes, you're quite right, I'll be immensely pleased with myself if and when I survive this godawful annoying from-hell ordeal.


renenet July 21 2003, 21:21:22 UTC
I wasn't mocking your pain! I was laughing at you being fucking funny about your pain. There's a subtle difference. ;)


vrya July 21 2003, 05:16:10 UTC
see, picturing myself there (*points up*) is exactly why though I will be sorely tempted, I'm rather sure that on the magical day when I finally get myself a DVD-rom drive, I will never have the fortitude to remaster any of my old vids. And yet I have every confidence that you'll muscle through and that the results will be amazing, as per usual...


heresluck July 21 2003, 18:16:37 UTC
Yeah, I can't imagine what it would take to remaster "Sleep Alone." Yikes.

The other vids that I've worked on thus far haven't actually been that bad; it's just this one. This whole acquisition-of-increasingly-advanced-skills definitely has its ugly downside. Heh.


vrya July 22 2003, 09:58:29 UTC

Yeah, I can't imagine what it would take to remaster "Sleep Alone." Yikes.

Actually, that one might not be so bad...VideoFactory allows you to replace a source file with a new version, and the whole timeline is updated to use the new version wherever the original was indicated, with clipping, special effects, cropping, placement, etc intact. So if I had the patience to get as far as making new captures that matched the originals down to the frame, the rest would be relatively easy. And since I kept reusing the same bits over and over, there's really not *that* much source... still, I hasten to add, not something I'm ever going to do, but it's a comforting thought. it's the more traditional ones (and the zillion-cuts-a-minute) one I'm working on now that I think would drive me to distraction...

This whole acquisition-of-increasingly-advanced-skills definitely has its ugly downside. Heh.

Yes, yes it does! ;-)


sockkpuppett July 21 2003, 05:32:48 UTC
I feel your pain!! I feel your pain!!

One of the vids that I put into suspended animation this weekend? Had clips that were 4 frames long, each one timed to something in the music that maybe only *I* could hear. After about 1:45 seconds of this sort of stuff, I had a mini nervous breakdown.

Walk away. Just walk away for five minutes. :) Barring that, your support group is right here, babe.


heresluck July 21 2003, 18:18:54 UTC
Well, thank goodness *somebody* feels my pain rather than mocking it. *g* Though I'm sorry that your project is frustrating you . . .

Taking a break was definitely the right idea. I made good progress this afternoon and it looks like everything's gonna be just fine. Whew.


sisabet July 21 2003, 09:33:07 UTC
See - this is why I didn't even try replacing source with "Closer" - I remember maybe laying 2 of the clips. That is it. I open up the timeline now and scrub past it thinking "Who did this? Not me, surely I'd remember." I could possibly duplicate it - but it would be different to me and I have no idea how I did it the first time. So I just cropped out the letterboxes and called it remastered. I didn't even fix the audio cause it scared me. Scary voice-overs make Liz hide.

Re: your potential FoTR vid ("it's just gonna be long uncut scenes from FotR slapped haphazardly onto six minutes grabbed at random from the middle of that interminable fucking requiem") - I think I have seen this vid. You don't have to make it. It has already been done.


heresluck July 21 2003, 18:20:59 UTC
I think I have seen this vid. You don't have to make it. It has already been done.

See, that's why I need to not go crazy. I know the world is full of crap LotR vids (although I'd bet the farm that none of them are to the music I'm using). I actually haven't watched *any* LotR vids -- I want to get mine drafted before I torture myself like that.


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