once more with feeling: vid commentary tracks

Oct 16, 2007 22:23

It's been about a year and a half since the vid commentary meme went around my little corner of LJ, and now that I'm back in a vidding frame of mind (and especially given that I've finally gotten my vids distributed in DVD format), this seems like a good moment for me to give it another go. So ( Read more... )

vids: commentaries

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Comments 16

oyceter October 17 2007, 03:48:50 UTC
Yes! "People Get Ready"? Pretty much anything would be awesome, but if you want questions: how was working for the auction? I know you mentioned it was a lot tougher, but how did it impact your process? Also, how did you manage to balance out the characters in the cast? And just because it keep bugging me, what's that shot of the hands taking down the box that's around the clips of Niki putting on her wedding band and Mohinder untaping the key?


heresluck October 19 2007, 02:10:28 UTC
Great questions! I'm going to fold these into one big post on "People Get Ready"; will try to post this weekend.


(The comment has been removed)

heresluck October 19 2007, 02:15:55 UTC
Trust you to give me a numbered list of tough questions. *g*

I will fold my responses into one big post on "People Get Ready". Yay!


kassrachel October 17 2007, 17:32:54 UTC
I'd love at some point to hear about either "Out Here" or "In the Mirror." I think of them as a matched set of vids -- a dyad, a duo, a duet, as though you made them to go together, which I don't know whether you consciously did, or whether that's a filter I lay over my viewing experience. Do I remember rightly that you made "Out Here" before you were really immersed in dS? How did the process of making these vids impact your attachment to the fandom and the characters?


heresluck October 19 2007, 02:19:50 UTC
Oh, these are so interesting, especially the ones about dS fandom, about which I know virtually nothing except that many people I love are or have been involved in it. *g* renenet has described the situation as being something like: she invited me to a picnic where I really didn't know any of the other guests, but I showed up with a picnic basket full of cake and said "Hi! You don't know me, but I brought cake!" and subsequently got mobbed.

renenet wants me to do detailed commentary on both vids, so I'll answer your questions more fully in those posts.


renenet October 21 2007, 00:21:33 UTC
I *invited* you? Only in a very loose sense. There was no intentionality on my part. More like you have an open invitation to accompany me anywhere anytime and I was obsessing about the picnic so much that I wouldn't stop talking about it, and you decided to swing by the picnic and surprise me. With a picnic basket FULL OF CAKE OMG. ::loves you forever::


renenet October 18 2007, 02:46:09 UTC
Yay! Yes, please write about one or both of my vids that you made for me that are mine! Oh oh oh oh oh oh! Please do both! Either in one biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig post or one and then the other. ::bounces:: My vids! That you made for ME! That are MINE!!!!! Please?????


heresluck October 19 2007, 02:20:40 UTC
Yes ma'am.

I have multiple due South icons. This is weird, and all your fault.


renenet October 21 2007, 00:22:21 UTC
Influence, influence, influence.


*saves a spot* deathisyourart October 18 2007, 13:24:14 UTC
I just got your DVD yesterday -- which made the postman very happy, because I can stop accusing him of stealing it now -- and I want to go through all of the different commentaries that you linked to before I ask you anything, but there WILL be questions!


Re: *saves a spot* heresluck October 19 2007, 02:23:59 UTC
Ahahaha. Well, pack a lunch and a compass if you're going to read all those commentaries; you could get lost in there. I look forward to your questions! (And I'm glad the DVD arrived; yay!)


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