return of the commentary tracks

Feb 26, 2006 22:29

Two years ago, when this meme went around for the first time, I had a great time with it; and now sdwolfpup has resurrected it. So I'm throwing it open again:

If you want running commentary on any vid I've made in the past two years, post a comment. Let me know if there are particular questions you'd like me to answer, choices you'd like me to talk about, or elements of the vid you'd like me to expound on (favorite moments, whatever).

Vids up for discussion: "Cat-Scan Hist'ry" (Donnie Darko), "Window of Opportunity" (Wonderfalls), "Thistledown Tears" (Firefly), "New Frontier" (Serenity). I still have early drafts of some of these, I think, not to mention the original storyboards (which bear varying degrees of resemblance to the final versions), plus assorted beta-related hysterics in the form of chat transcripts and e-mails. The last quarter of "Thistledown Tears" is pretty much a blur, but other than that? Ask me anything.

I'm resurrecting this meme partly because I want to write about "New Frontier" in order to wrap up processing that one and move on to the next project, so something about that vid is probably forthcoming regardless. But if there's anything in particular you want to know, place your requests now. (I know pipsqueaky had a question about clip choice at some point, but I don't remember whether that was about a particular clip or just a general "what the hell were you thinking?" kind of thing. Heh.)

vids: commentaries

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