in praise of intercultural communication

May 22, 2007 22:07

One of the greatest things about the second half of Heroes S1 is that Hiro and Ando start speaking to more Americans, and thus speaking more English, which means fewer subtitles, which means more viddable shots of the two of them! What, me self-involved ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, vid: people get ready

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Comments 16

sol_se May 23 2007, 03:47:35 UTC
Oh! Does this mean there may be a Hiro/Ando vid from you some time in the foreseeable future?? YAY! :)

given that my visual memory is more like a steel sieve than a steel trap, my thinking that a clip ought to exist or for that matter even convincing myself that I actually remember it is no guarantee that it is to be found anywhere in the extant footage, or that if it is to be found that it is actually anything like what I had imagined I remembered

I have this problem all the time. Apparently I tend to make up entire scenes and convince myself they did exist. Oh, memory, why do you taunt me so?


heresluck May 23 2007, 13:34:36 UTC
Does this mean there may be a Hiro/Ando vid from you some time in the foreseeable future??

Um... no. Sorry to disappoint.

And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who makes up scenes. *g*


sol_se May 23 2007, 19:37:38 UTC
Well, whatever it is you're working on, I send lots of good vidding vibes! :)


selenak May 23 2007, 03:53:28 UTC
Oh, a Heroes vid from you! *anticipates*


heresluck May 23 2007, 13:35:49 UTC
Let's hope it actually turns out to be anticipation-worthy!


shati May 23 2007, 04:59:57 UTC
Heroes pits me at war against myself! I love that they have so many scenes entirely in Japanese, and I would love a lot more, but -- but I need those shots. And I love that they're creative with the placement of the subtitles, but it's impossible to crop them out when they're right next to Hiro's head. Augh!


heresluck May 23 2007, 13:38:32 UTC
Yes, exactly! I love the Japanese, and I love the subtitles that allow me to read text and see facial expressions at the same time, but how the hell am I supposed to crop them out? And I've just realized I'm going to have the same trouble with Hiro's scenes with his dad! Gah! Won't somebody think of the children vidders?


jackiekjono May 23 2007, 19:59:33 UTC
I wonder if they show it in Japan and if downloads of the Japanese version are available.


shati May 24 2007, 08:24:29 UTC
Augh! At least they talk in English during the big montage of training and storytelling?

(They do, right? Right? I think they do.)

Hardcoding subtitles is just unkind. I bet it causes New York to explode.


vonniek May 23 2007, 06:06:56 UTC
Hahaha! I didn't even think about logistic difficulties about vidding Hiro and Ando scene with all the subtitles!

"oh, show, I love you, but what were you thinking?"

I have a lot of *facepalm* moments with this show, but the glee kind of makes up for it. This show is such a big ball of cheese. It's endearing.

I'm glad to hear clip searches are progressing apace! Even if it's the non-fun part of the vidding. Wheeee!


heresluck May 23 2007, 13:44:37 UTC
I didn't even think about logistic difficulties about vidding Hiro and Ando scene with all the subtitles!

::glares at you::

This is your fault, you know. We'll see whether I want to hug you or kill you by VividCon.

And you're right about the glee making up for the ::facepalm:: -- it *is* an endearing show, and it comes on the whole from a place of such profound anti-cynicism that even my curmudgeonly heart is often moved by it, frequently against my will. *g*


mambogoddess May 23 2007, 11:14:37 UTC
But the subtitles are pretty cool at least :)


heresluck May 23 2007, 13:47:12 UTC
The subtitles are terrific! When I am not vidding, I love them! It's only when I'm vidding that they make me hurl invective at my monitor.


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