in praise of intercultural communication

May 22, 2007 22:07

One of the greatest things about the second half of Heroes S1 is that Hiro and Ando start speaking to more Americans, and thus speaking more English, which means fewer subtitles, which means more viddable shots of the two of them! What, me self-involved ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, vid: people get ready

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Comments 16

jarrow May 23 2007, 15:37:51 UTC

I <3 you.


heresluck May 24 2007, 02:03:51 UTC
No, seriously. I used to do other things! I knitted, and played computer games, and made jewelry, and figured out Connells songs on the guitar, and I swear I even used to read for fun sometimes. And now I mostly vid, or think about vidding, or avoid vidding because it's kicking my ass. Oh, and do stuff related to my yard, but that's normal new-homeowner craziness that I'm sure will be defeated by my well-developed laziness just like almost everything else. This vidding thing appears to be sticking, though. ::sigh::


jarrow May 24 2007, 15:18:16 UTC
This vidding thing appears to be sticking

"appears to be"? That's like me saying "this homo thing appears to be sticking."

I think we should make bumper stickers that say "my hobby can beat up your hobby."


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