Shag, Marry or Push off a Cliff

Aug 27, 2007 12:55

I've decided it's time for a blast from the past . . . I stumbled upon an entry I made a few years ago where we played a fun little game called "Shag, Marry, or Push off a Cliff," and I thought it would be fun to play it again! It's from Bridget Jones's Guide to Life by Helen Fielding. Here are the rules:

In turn, each of the players suggests ( Read more... )

sex, friends, games, silliness

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Comments 120

angelamermaid August 27 2007, 17:03:00 UTC
~ shag Remus, marry Sirius, push Snape off a cliff

~ um - I know which one Mal is ...

~ shag Lindsay, marry Paris, push Britney off a cliff. Lindsay is too much of a train wreck to marry but she still has potential, if Britney doesn't want to take bipolar meds then the kindest thing to do would be to push her, and I'd marry Paris for the money.

~ shag Xena, marry Lara, push Buffy. Buffy is such a whiner, and Xena lives in much more violent times than Lara (I'm guessing, never saw the movies or played the games).

Got one for you:

~ Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Jack Ryan


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 17:11:48 UTC
Shag Han, marry Indiana and push Jack Ryan off a cliff.

Sorry Jack, but I couldn't bear to push either of the others. Also, sorry Han, but wow, just think how COOL it would be to be the wife of Indiana Jones! Assuming he'd bring me along on his adventures. If not, then, um, not so much fun. Considering he sleeps with someone new in every movie, doesn't he? But we'll assume this is a FAITHFUL Jones, right? :D


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 17:31:50 UTC
Oops . . . and I've already broken the rules of my OWN game! *facepalm*

A new list:

Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire and Danny Kaye

(I hope this one isn't lame - you like these sorts of movies, right)?


angelamermaid August 27 2007, 18:18:30 UTC
Shag Gene, marry Danny, push Fred. Yeah, I love those movies!

Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Hugo Weaving


sullen_hearts August 27 2007, 17:18:38 UTC
Buffy, Lara Croft and Xena

I'd sleep with Lara Croft, marry Xena and push Buffy off a cliff.

Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin and Fred Flintstone?


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 17:21:13 UTC
Hahahaha! I ALMOST made one like that, only I couldn't think of whom to put with Homer and Peter. :D

Urgh. I'd shag Homer (OMG I can't believe I just typed that), marry Fred, and push Peter off a cliff.

Mostly, Fred wins my hand because, um, DINOSAURS! I'd put up with a lot to have a dinosaur as a pet. :D


sullen_hearts August 27 2007, 17:24:02 UTC
It took me a few minutes, I confess.

Amy Winehouse, Dido, Madonna?


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 17:37:30 UTC
Oops . . . and I forgot to give you a list:

Joey Ramone, Joe Strummer and Nicky Wire

(I don't know who Nicky Wire is, but I saw him on your interest lists, so I hope he fits with the other two). :D


(The comment has been removed)

here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 18:32:43 UTC
LOL! I love your rationale for pushing Mal.

For me, I'd push Jayne (because he annoys me), and I think I'd shag Mal, and marry Wash. And then, when Wash dies, I'd marry Mal, too. :D (Or is that cheating)?


tabouli August 28 2007, 09:53:18 UTC
Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Love Jayne as a character, but of the three, he'd have to be the one to go. Wash is funny and quirky, and I'd go for that long-term, though in the short-term, Mal is *ever* so tasty...


tabouli August 28 2007, 15:09:49 UTC
Ha, OK, try this: Voldemort, Umbridge and Wormtail. Have at it!


dsneyvoice August 27 2007, 18:27:51 UTC
Hee, I love this game!

~ Shag Sirius, marry Remus, and push Snape off a cliff
~ Shag Jayne, marry Mal, and push Wash off a cliff :((
~ Oh, god...shag Britney, marry Lindsay, and push Paris off a cliff. :|
~ Shag Xena, marry Lara, push Buffy off a cliff

And one for you: Severus Snape, Bill Weasley, Harry Potter


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 18:33:45 UTC
Hmnh. Okay . . . I'll shag Snape, marry Bill, and push Harry. Not because I don't love Harry, but EWWW he'll always be a kid in my mind, and that's just squicky otherwise. :D


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 18:36:08 UTC
YOU PUSHED WASH???????????

Bwahahahaha! How could you PUSH WASH? Even in a small font, that's pretty heinous.

;) ;) ;)


dsneyvoice August 27 2007, 19:43:39 UTC
I know!!! I love Wash! But Jayne is my favourite, and Mal is...well, Mal. I DIDN'T WANNA DO IT!!


megamagicflame August 27 2007, 18:47:21 UTC
~ Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton

Mmm. Marry Lindsay, shag Britney, and push Paris off a cliff. Push Paris off a very big cliff.

~ Buffy, Lara Croft and Xena

Buffy's the only one I halfway like, so Marry Buffy, shag Xena, and toss Lara Croft from a cliff.

Okay, a few lists for you:

Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Fred and/or George Weasley

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger

Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Igor Karkaroff

And I remember us talking about X-Men once, so:

Wolverine, Charles Xavier, Cyclops.


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 19:00:16 UTC
Hee! Okay, if we're doing HP kids, we're assuming that this is me when I was, like, 15, okay? :D

I'll shag Draco, marry Fred AND George, and push Neville off a cliff. :D

I'll shag Hermione, marry Harry, and push Ron off a cliff. I almost shagged Harry and pushed Hermione, but I'm not sure how easy she would be to live with, day in and day out. So, I'll go with Harry. I think he's a bit more easy-going. :D

(I'm gonna get in trouble for these, I just know it. Pushing Ron AND Neville? but I can't help it).

This one is easy: Shag Lucius, marry Snape, and push Igor. Buh-bye Igor.

Ooh! X-Men! YAY!

I'll shag Charles Xavier, marry Wolverine (*sighs happily*) and push Cyclops off a cliff. I've never liked him much.


here_be_dragons August 27 2007, 19:02:28 UTC
Oh! And I keep forgetting to put new lists . . .

How about Storm, Rogue and Phoenix.



zinaya August 27 2007, 19:36:26 UTC

Shag Rogue (recover a few months), marry Storm, push Phoenix off a cliff (and do some voodoo to see she stays dead).

Shag Xavier, marry Wolverine, push Cyclops off a cliff. (You just know Wolverine would climb the cliff and gut everyone for the trouble).


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