The Man Sure Knows How to Stage a Coup . . .

Jan 05, 2006 20:07


And here I was, thinking the holidays were over. But no. Most definitely NOT over yet! ( I got something in the mail today . . . )

food, friends, christmas

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Comments 13

hedwig_snowy January 6 2006, 04:46:40 UTC
Embarassing? LOL Glad you liked them. And yes, the chocolate minion remembers everything the boss says so that he can use it later...and later is NOW!!! LMBO


BTW: Said in an earlier post, but the "hangar thingee" was VERY COOL! Thanks again!

**starts plotting what to do with recently vacated throne** ;)


here_be_dragons January 6 2006, 05:24:10 UTC
Hee! I did see where you said that about the hanger, but I wasn't sure if you were just being kind. :D :D Seriously, I know it looks like a coat hanger covered in fimo . . . because it IS a coat hanger covered in fimo. But I hoping D won't be quite savvy enough yet to figure that out, and might find it fascinating for a while. ;)

AND DON'T YOU START PLOTTING IN MY JOURNAL! It's bad enough that you're overthrowing me, and I'm allowing it to happen (happily - YAY for seratonin!). But you don't need to be cheeky about it.


(Or are the double ** the sign that I'm not supposed to be able to see those comments)?


hedwig_snowy January 6 2006, 15:29:35 UTC
Cheeky? Is that anyway to ingratiate ones self with your newly appointed Overlord??? Remember, now that you're stepping down you will have to accept a minionship. No one in my administration lives on the public dole. Pull yourself up by your stilletos is our motto. Feeling downtroden or oppressed? Tough! My administration will only give favors to those that don't need them. The DSP (Demon Spawn Party) will be run with an iron fist!!! *Slightly older - almost teenaged - Mwaaaaaaah!!!*

*Any resemblance between this administration and the Bush bunch is purely coincidental*
**No, not even former Overpriestesses can see behind the double asterisks!!!**

So, what position should we put you down for? I'm thinking either Ribs or Sushi minion is out - too easy to turn the tables on the overthrower. But, while I'm not as benevolent as the last boss, I can be persuaded to hear groveling...when I'm in the mood... ;)


Too late for that now! Your capitalizations have no power over me now!!! Hee hee


here_be_dragons January 6 2006, 17:28:36 UTC
OMG! What have I DONE, in allowing myself this moment of weakness! I've got to eat all that chocolate FAST, so I can regain my evil powers and reclaim my dominion!!!! *slips into stilettos*

And I WANNA be the minion of sushi, but if you won't let me have that . . . oh, I know . . .

I'll be the minion in charge of all things Disney.

Bwahahahahahha! **That'll get him - he won't be able to hold out long when I pull the plugs on his viewing of "Little Mermaid" and the like**



edda January 6 2006, 04:47:17 UTC


hedwig_snowy January 6 2006, 04:49:40 UTC
p.s. I bet you thought I would graciously decline your offer of dominion over all things great and small eh? *Bigger Baby - Not quite full-grown - Mwaaaaaaaaah!!!*


here_be_dragons January 6 2006, 05:21:03 UTC
Oh, no. I may be delusional, but I'm not THAT delusional. No way you'd graciously decline after setting things up SO perfectly for yourself. *fears the day when the Mwaaaaaaaah becomes a teenager*



robingrace January 6 2006, 05:16:52 UTC
Oh, Ms. St. John, I hope you have enough to share with the whole class...


here_be_dragons January 6 2006, 05:21:57 UTC
Oh, there's plenty to share. But you have to come up here to get it . . . and do more FIMO WITH MEEEEEE!!!!!!!



robingrace January 6 2006, 05:27:29 UTC
Nah, your turn. Getty Villa with MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (bring the darn chocolates too)


here_be_dragons January 6 2006, 17:17:23 UTC
Hmnh. That's not a bad idea, really. Let me talk to K and see if I can work something out sometime soon! :D


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