BIDDING HAS BEGUN! (and earlier!)

Aug 20, 2010 00:36

So due to popular demand and the fact that I have some new people on board helping out with this now (thank you arizonaicerose and myr_soleil for volunteering, and, of course, tresa_cho  and pinkfinity for helping with the setup!)--we have decided to start the bidding early.

I apologize for the confusion and if there is any conflicting information in other posts, please disregard that and use this post as reference.


At that time, your mods will freeze the offerings posts and notify the winners.

The deadline for completions/deliveries for this round is OCTOBER 1ST, 2010 (ETA: for those of you who made offers with the February 14th deadline in mind and are offering goods that require more time to make, my apologies. You are welcome to edit your offer or leave a comment to it to the effect that you will deliver at a later date so your bidders are aware of this when they make their offers.)

Please note: THIS IS NOT A LIGHTNING ROUND. Depending on the response, we plan on having those once this round is over.



+ If you have already made a bid, don't worry about deleting it as we have begun. If you have not, you can simply comment on the offering that interests you.

+ Please check back or track the offering comment so that you can keep track of the progression of bidding and know if you have been outbid. You are allowed to bid multiple times and on multiple posts.

+ Once the round closes, you will be informed by the mods if you have won the round. Please then email your offerer a confirmation of donation -- the electronic receipt with personal information blackened out (mini-tutorial here) or a scan or photograph of a physical receipt once you have donated as long as the amount is on there and you have handwritten your lj username. If for some reason, you are hesitant about sending the confirmation to the offerer, you can email the mods at helppakistan.lj[at] though we ask that you please do this as soon as possible and include your lj username and "donations" in the subject, and the offering thread in the email body. We will respect all personal information confidentiality and can get in touch with the offerer on your behalf but because we are expecting high email traffic this week, be aware that it will be slower than contacting the offerer yourself. Please remember that the offerer is not obligated to start working on your item until either a confirmation has been received.

+ We are working by the honesty policy so it goes without saying that you should only use a specific donation confirmation for one offer. You can make multiple bid-related donations in one go but then please make sure to CC all offerers on your email and make a clear note so that each offerer can be sure that you have donated the amount you bid.


+ You are NOT REQUIRED to make donations, or match donations. However, because of the scale of this disaster, we encourage that you do so if you can. Either way, we appreciate that you are offering your services.  If you do choose to donate, you can let the mods know the amount so we can add it to our total for funds raised.

+ ETA: we request that you please include specific fandoms in your offering comments, if possible. fiercynn has been kind enough to set-up a delicious account for us over here and it would help with the organization immensely to have fandom-specific tags rather than "any fandom I've written" for instance. Sorry to be a pain and thank you

+ We will be closing the posts to new offers roughly 24 hours before the bidding is closed (so around 1PM, SATURDAY AUGUST 28th) to make the management less chaotic. Bidding will still be open until Sunday afternoon.

+ Once the round closes (ie. on SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th), we will comment on your highest bidder letting them know they have won. It is then up to them to send you confirmation of their bid, by either a screen-capture of the e-confirmation/photo or scan of receipt/whatever method the two of you agree upon. If your bidder confirms with the mods, we will get in touch with you. More information will be up about that shortly. Once you have received the confirmation, you can work on the desired item bearing the delivery date in mind.

+ Please notify us once you have received donation confirmation. We now have a DONATION CONFIRMATION STATION where you can leave a comment with offer details so that we can keep track of things.

+ If you do not near from the winning bidder or the mods about a donation confirmation by TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 7th drop us a line at the questions post.


+ Default currency is USD/Canadian dollar (we are equating them for now because 1 USD = 1.04 CDN right now and is close enough for our purposes).  Here is a currency converter should you need one for the bids.

+ Keep an eye out for the auction closing procedures and the donation confirmation station posts as they will be up in a few days. If you are unclear and want to get an idea of how they will be handled, we will stick more or less with help_haiti's protocol over here for a timed auction (as opposed to a lighning round). Just bear in mind our different timeline.

+ If you run into any confusion or conflicting information (as I may not have been entirely awake when typing this), you know where to go to let me know!


+ Also, we now have banners! Thank you, snowishness and arizonaicerose!

here is the code if you would like to help us advertise!" _fcksavedurl="" title="Help Pakistan">" _fcksavedurl="" alt="Help_Pakistan" />


Master List of Charities/Aid Agencies

Links to All Offering Posts
Questions Post


confirmation, offerings, round 1, bidding, procedures

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