searching for offerings: delicious!

Aug 20, 2010 15:45

Hello all! help_pk_mod has kindly given me posting access so I can clarify a little about the way that offerings are tagged on the help_pakistan delicious account. I find that people tend to tag in many different ways, so hopefully it'll be helpful to have an explanation.

People who are offering things: please skim over this to figure out what your tags should look like in this method, then check your tag(s) to make sure that I have done it right! I've been going through this very quickly and have probably messed up a lot.


Every bookmark should have at least two tags: one for the person offering it that begins with by:, and one for the type of offering that begins with offering:. If applicable, there are also tags for fandoms that each begin, unsurprisingly, with fandom:. The bookmark summary also includes some of the details that were given about the offer, but sometimes things were cut because there is a minimum character limit, so make sure to read the offer comment in its entirety even after searching it.

If you're unfamiliar with delicious, you can search for what you want by clicking on a tag, and specify even further by typing in another tag next to it in the search bar, so that you could search for a type of offering within a certain fandom, etc.


I've tried to specify a bit more than just word/art/audio/misc, but it's gotten a little complicated especially with stuff in the misc category. A list of the offering: tags:

* offering:art
* offering:autograph
* offering:beta
* offering:cards
* offering:crafts
* offering:fanmix
* offering:fanfic offering:fic [changed to include original fic]
* offering:food
* offering:freebie
* offering:graphics
* offering:icons
* offering:jewelry
* offering:mail
* offering:meta
* offering:misc
* offering:multimedia
* offering:music
* offering:notebook
* offering:petsupplies
* offering:photograph
* offering:podfic
* offering:poetry
* offering:postcards
* offering:recipes
* offering:recs
* offering:tarotreading
* offering:translation
* offering:vid
* offering:website
* offering:words
* offering:yarn


- offering:graphics has been used for computer art while offering:art for more traditional forms. Offers of icons have been tagged with both offering:graphics and offering:icons.
- offering:music refers to original songs and compositions, while offering:fanmix to a compilation of songs by other bands/people.


First of all, I apologize for assuming English as the default language and not tagging English posts accordingly. I hadn't thought ahead enough to include language as a tag from the very beginning, and it would be extremely time-consuming to go back and add the tag to all posts without any language tag. If someone else would like to do this, let me know.

Secondly, I'm going to use the Anglophone spellings for languages because I think they'll be the most accessible to people searching? I understand that can be problematic, but I think for the purpose of this auction and making it run smoothly, that's the best way to go. Language tags so far:

* language:french
* language:german
* language:japanese
* language:spanish


Okay, there's a lot to say with this one, so bear with me! The names of fandoms are written out completely instead of abbreviated, without any other punctuation unless it's in the original name (examples: fandom:yu-gi-oh, fandom:theno.1ladiesdetectiveagency, fandom:avatar:thelastairbender, fandom:blake's7, fandom:rizzoli&isles etc). But I may not have gotten them all right, so if you're looking for a particular fandom and you can't find it, search a couple different ways.

RPF fandoms

There's a general tag for fandom:rpf, though that's more for my own convenience in tagging. A list of the RPF fandoms:

* fandom:americanidol
* fandom:bandom
* fandom:canadarpf
* fandom:classicrockrpf [now under fandom:rockmusicrpf]
* fandom:cwrpf
* fandom:disneyrpf
* fandom:doctorwhorpf
* fandom:duesouthrpf
* fandom:historicalrpf
* fandom:hockeyrpf [now under fandom:sportsrpf]
* fandom:johnny'sentertainment
* fandom:lotrips
* fandom:merlinrpf
* fandom:popslash
* fandom:punditrpf
* fandom:sportsrpf
* fandom:stargate:atlantisrpf
* fandom:stargate:sg-1rpf
* fandom:startrekrpf
* fandom:tennisrpf [now under fandom:sportsrpf]
* fandom:topgearrpf


- I haven't differentiated between different bands in bandom - see the part on differentiating fandoms below.
- Supernatural RPF is included under fandom:cwrpf.
- Adam Lambert RPF and Kris Allen RPF, as well as all seasons of American Idol are included under fandom:americanidol
- Lord of the Rings RPF is abbreviated to fandom:lotrips because the name is just too established to not be used!
- rheasilvia has cleared up some confusion for me about JPop - right now everything is listed as Johnny's Entertainment.
- Sports RPF is now an overarching tag.
- ETA: I realize fandom:rockmusicrpf is unwieldy and doesn't include bandom, but I don't know how else to go about tagging offers of "classic rock" or "indie rock rps". Any suggestions?

Differentiating fandoms

Okay, I'm having a little bit of trouble with this because there are so many different ways of labeling spin-offs and fandom-within-fandoms, so here's an explanation.

Fandoms that have been differentiated/have separate tags:

- the Star Trek franchise. There are different tags for The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise, all beginning with fandom:startrek:, of course. Star Trek XI or Reboot is tagged with fandom:startrekxi. If you just listed Star Trek as one of your fandoms, I assumed you meant Reboot and tagged it accordingly.
- Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane Adventures. (ETA: If you meant to include Sarah Jane Adventures but only said Doctor Who, please let us know!)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
- Robin Hood and Robin of Sherwood.
- Stargate SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Stargate Universe.
- Yu-Gi-Oh and Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds - I don't know what these are? Should they be separate? both are now under fandom:yu-gi-oh
- The Sookie Stackhouse books (tagged as fandom:sookiestackhouse) and True Blood.
- Lord of the Rings and LOTRIPS. If you meant LOTRIPS but wrote Lord of the Rings or LotR, please let me know!
- ETA: Sherlock Holmes adaptations have been separated, so far as fandom:sherlock for the new BBC Series, fandom:sherlockholmes2009 for the 2009 Guy Ritchie feature film, and fandom:sherlockholmes(books) for, well, the original novels and stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Let me know if anything should be changed or added to that.
- Alice in Wonderland (2010 movie) and Alice (Syfy miniseries) are now separated.
- The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion are now separated.

Fandoms that have NOT been differentiated/do NOT have separate tags:

- Sherlock Holmes. To be honest, these should be differentiated especially between the books, the 2009 movie, and BBC Sherlock, but I have no idea how to go about labeling them. Any suggestions? Also many people listed just "Sherlock", which was a little confusing. If I do go about putting new tags on them, would everyone who offered any form of Sherlock Holmes drop me a comment to let me know which type they meant? now separated, see above.
- Bandom RPF. I'm not very familiar with bandom but I tagged anyone offering My Chemical Romance RPF under fandom:bandom as well.
- different seasons of American Idol.
- old and new Doctor Who are not separated.
- the DC Universe is one monolithic tag, except for Nolanverse Batman which is tagged fandom:batman. However, this might change.
- the Marvel Universe is not separated except for X-Men, Iron Man, and Hellboy which are not tagged with fandom:marvel at all. And within X-Men, Iron Man, and Hellboy there's no separation between comics and movies.
- While Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are separated, the comics are not separated from the show.
- Firefly and Serenity.
- old and new Battlestar Galactica.
- the different CSI shows.
- Star Wars is not separated into individual movies, or Original or New Trilogy, or spin-offs.
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and the Terminator movies, although there is only one tag (fandom:terminator:thesarahconnerchronicles) at the moment. Should I change this to a general tag for Terminator 'verse?
- Final Fantasy.
- Transformers.
- Queer As Folk UK and US versions.
- Dresden Files books, movies, and graphic novels.
- various Yu-Gi-Oh shows.

Other random things

If you made more than one distinct offer and posted a separate comment for each, then you get a different bookmark for each offer. If you made more than one offer in the same comment, you only get one bookmark. For now I think this is okay (don't know if the mods have any rules about that?), but if you'd prefer to have one bookmark for each offer then please post additional comments and drop me a note to clarify.

Book fandoms are generally named after the author unless they're better known in some other way (Lord of the Rings, Sookie Stackhouse, Swordspoint, etc). ETA: Er, this is getting more and more complicated - I'll just compile a list of all the book fandoms soon, but as of now there's no one rule about naming after author vs. title or series.

fandom:original means that the offer is for either original fic, art, music, fanmixes, or something else. Food, crafts, and such that are not necessarily fandom-related are not tagged with original.

fandom:any means that the offerer (that's not a word, but it needs to be!) has said they are willing to try fandoms that they may not be familiar with upon request. This doesn't necessarily mean they've actually offered to do ANY fandom, just a wide-range beyond their listed fandoms. Check each offer to make sure.

And...I think that's all for now!

Please let me know in the comments IF:

- your offer is tagged incorrectly, or if I don't have you down for the right number of offers.
- you want to offer a suggestion on changing or clarifying tags, especially with regards to differentiating between related fandoms.
- you have any other suggestions, questions, or comments at all, actually!

I'll be periodically updating this post as I make changes, as well as updating the delicious with offers, of course. Happy searching!

ETA: If you made an offer in any of the Sherlock Holmes fandoms and didn't clarify which one, please drop a comment here to let me know whether it should be tagged with fandom:sherlock (for the BBC series) or fandom:sherlockholmes2009 (for the movie), or possibly fandom:sherlockholmes(books). Thanks.

ETA 2: I AM ONLY GOING TO TAG FOR FANDOMS LISTED IN THE OFFER COMMENT. If you said something like "anything I've ever written" in your offer, PLEASE let me know what exactly you want listed because it's pretty time-consuming to keep going back to people's journals for their lists. If you just wanted to leave yourself open to options and would be okay using the fandom:any tag, please let me know that instead.

ETA 3: So! This is getting a little out of control for me (which is good! More offerings, yay!) - would anyone be willing to assist with tagging?

ETA 4: Thanks so much to arizonaicerose, amalnahurriyeh , and hari_mirchi for offering to help out! We'd still love more volunteers though - specifically, someone to help clear up the tagging of anime fandoms? I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with regards to anime, so it would be amazing if someone could go back and figure out what I've messed up. Drop me a comment if you can help!
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