Battle Grounds (Jared/Jensen, Jared/Chad, NC-17, Part Two)

Mar 18, 2012 16:04

Title: Battle Grounds
Author: hellsprayer
Word Count: ~4,800
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There are things you want. And things you want more. They both want Jared, and are prepared to fight to prove it.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Chad

Part 2 of 3.

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au, jared/chad, rps, jared/jensen, j2

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Comments 27

calijirl5150 March 18 2012, 20:40:45 UTC
I think Jared's a total wanker in this fic !!!!!!!


hellsprayer March 18 2012, 21:37:21 UTC
haha things are just getting really, really messy. Thanks for reading!


b_lessed March 18 2012, 20:58:01 UTC
I love all the angst. What a difficult situation.


hellsprayer March 18 2012, 21:37:32 UTC
thank you so much :)


(The comment has been removed)

hellsprayer March 18 2012, 21:38:00 UTC
oh man. i STILL don't know which one I'M rooting for lol but thank you <3


Edition 2,065 livejournal March 18 2012, 22:57:46 UTC
User dephigravity referenced to your post from Edition 2,065 saying: [...] by (Misha/Richard, PG-13) Battle Grounds 2/3 [...]


phx69 March 19 2012, 00:11:06 UTC
Not sure what to think about Jared here. I hate infidelity and this is what it feels like so it makes me very unhappy with him. He really should not led them both on. And sleeping with both? Not nice Jared. Not nice at all. He is going to end up with neither because no one is worth being jerked around for someone. Wise up Jared! I don't like not liking you.


hellsprayer March 19 2012, 00:44:05 UTC
aha yes he's not being pretty fair rn lol
thank you for reading :D


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