Battle Grounds (Jared/Jensen, Jared/Chad, NC-17)

Mar 10, 2012 18:35

Title: Battle Grounds 
Word Count: ~4,300
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There are things you want. And things you want more. They both want Jared. 
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Chad
Part 1 of 3.

The first time Jared kissed a boy he was sixteen and very, very drunk.

And to be honest, he doesn’t really remember it all but he knows it happened. The memory is faded, really; smudged with a white glare over it were flashes of that night. He remembers being on his sixth beer, his fourth shot, and the boy grabbing at the front of his wife-beater.

The air was thick that night, and the stars were dull. The party was loud but his heartbeat was louder. The beat was quick; bodies running, jumping, spinning. And he remembers, just slightly, the boy taking him by the wrist and leading him where it was quieter.

He was tall, blond, and sexy. He had pretty blue eyes with a hint of grey and Jared remembers how they stuck out in the moonlight. He was holding a beer, smiling almost impulsively and staring Jared down. His hand was strong and intent when it cupped Jared’s cheek and reeled him in. Tongue’s latching, sliding, licking. And Jared remembers just how easily he took all the air in his lungs with it.

He took his breath away, technically. But let’s not get crazy. Jared didn’t even know him. This meant nothing.

His lips were soft, pink, and alluring. Jared can remember his smell clearly though. Beer and aftershave.

When they finally pulled back, the boy smiles again and holds out his hand like nothing’s happened, waiting for Jared to shake hands with him.

“I’m Chad,” he had said.

Jared liked his style.

But that was six years ago, and now they don’t even admit out loud that that night happened; though they’re both very aware seeing as that’s the night they met. Ironic, huh? Both of them have thought about it. How it was something that was keeping them together, but keeping them apart that the same time. Both have found it’s less trouble, and less awkward, to just keep it a faint memory.

Roommates is what they are now.

Best friends, if you want to put a real label on it.

It’s just after five o’clock in the morning when Chad comes stumbling into their apartment. The door slams shut so hard it shakes the windows and wakes Jared. But this isn’t the first time this has happened. He groans, rolls over and watches Chad’s shadow stumble over invisible wire and latch on to the wall to keep balance. He’d laugh but there’s nothing funny about it. This is starting to become a habit.

Chad parties, Jared doesn’t. Not anymore, that is. His time has come and gone. It’d taken a rough night, seven beers, and bar fight to make him realize that he’s got to do something other with this life than fuck any girl, or guy, that flirts with him long enough and drink anything that had the promise of him forgetting the night completely.

Jared’s changed, he likes to think. And he’s found a passion. Acting.

“Late night, huh?” Jared says rhetorically as he sits up. He cranks his neck and reaches for the light.

Chad stops cold, squinting in Jared’s general direction. The light makes his pupils flex and he blinks until he stops seeing double. He focuses on Jared for a minute, licks his lips and cracks a faint smile.

“I don’ ev’n kno’ how I got home, man,” Chad slurred, laughing a little, feeling his way to the bathroom. Jared shakes his head, lying back down, watching Chad out of the corner of his eye.

Jared and Chad have been living together for almost a year now and they pretty much know everything about each other. Rough times bring you closer. Both are what you would call ‘struggling actors’, and damn have they been struggling. Jobs are hard to come by, especially in L.A. Seems like everyone’s an actor around here. Anyone who can read a line thinks they’ve got talent, destined to be the next Brad Pitt.

At least Jared knows he’s got real talent.

There’s a crash, stumbling, and then the sound of water running. Jared grunts, “Just go to bed, dude.”, before throwing the pillow over his face and shutting his eyes.

--- --- ---

Despite the night before, Chad wakes up first. He smells of perfume from what’s-her-face last night and hard liquor. His bed’s about a meter away from Jared’s and the light is hitting him just right. He’s on his back, blanket only up to his waist, with his mouth open just a little. Chad looks way, but it’s only for a second. He tries to swallow this feeling -- this want, but he can’t.

He’s almost embarrassed to feel this way because he’s almost sure it’s not mutual. Jared’s a flirt, and it’s hard to tell when he’s being serious about his feelings. He flashes that perfect smile just a little too much and speaks with just enough of that drawl and everything he says to you seems real, even if you’re just a friend.

Jared’s got that effect on people.

Jared’s got that effect on Chad.

He sits up, slides his fingers through his short chopped hair and stays there for a minute. Chad stands, the blankets sliding off him and onto the floor. He heads for the door, catching one more glance at Jared before he heads toward the kitchen mumbling, “Asshole,” under his breath, shaking his head.

--- --- ---

“I’ve got an audition today.”

Chad looks up from his coffee, arches an eyebrow at Jared and says, “Really? Where?”

Jared takes a bite of his toast. Still half-chewing ,he answers, “CW. It’s a show they’re trying to get started.”

Chad fingers through the magazines on the counter next to him. He pushes past a few bills before looking back at Jared. “What show?”

For a minute Jared pauses before saying, “Supernatural.” And then quickly adding, “Don’t fucking laugh,” with a lift of his index finger as a warning.

Chad puts his hands up in defense. “Hey, man, I didn’t say anything.” He smirks, however. “What’s it about? Ghosts and shit?”

Jared shrugs. “Kind of.”

He brushes off what he’s about to say, and keeps his mouth shut. Jared’s not a shy guy, but he’s been through enough to know when not to ramble on and on about something that’s not definite. He wanted to tell Chad that he really wants this, that this could be his big break, that he can really see this show going far. But then that’d be hoping and expecting too much. Life has a funny way of turning Jared down. He’d lived through his share of auditions where they say he looks ‘too young’ , ‘too innocent’, or whatever other excuse they have to turn him down. He’s learned to take the breaks when he can without the slightest of ‘thank you’s because fuck, he’s earned.

His eyes flick toward the clock over the oven and he stands up from the bar stool and the island counter. “Shit. I’ve gotta be there by ten.”

Chad watches him walk into their bedroom and doesn’t take his eyes off him until he’s headed for the bathroom with a towel slung over his shoulder. When the door slams shut Chad takes another swig of his coffee, grips the base of his cock, and sighs.

--- --- ---

He comes out no more than fifteen minutes later. Chad looks not once but twice; and he could swear that Jared was doing it on purpose. With nothing but a towel on, wet hair, and an in-the-making hard-on for Chad, he heads back toward the bedroom. Chad follows him with his eyes and traces down his back. The beads of water glisten as they fall from his shoulders and settle near the small of his back, and Chad bites his lip just slightly when he bends over, rummaging for a clean pair of jeans.

Jared disappears for a minute, and when he’s back in sight he’s got pants on. “Have you seen my white button-up?”

Mentally slapping himself, Chad shakes his head.

“Wear the black one instead.”

Jared reaches for it, slides it up and over his arms and buttons it. Chad watches is hands, slides his eyes up Jared’s torso. Groaning, he looks away.

“You okay, man?” Jared asks, eyebrows furrowed.

There’s a lump in Chad’s throat again, but he nods and he’s sure it looks fake.

With a quick glance at the clock, Jared says, “Shit, I gotta go.” He does a 360, looking for his script. Quickly he slips on socks, shoes, and takes the papers in hand.

“Hey,” Chad calls, holding his arm out; and Jared comes back. They hug and Jared pulls back, but presses his forehead to Chad’s for a minute.

“Good luck, okay?” Chad says and he’s fucking mentally screaming because he can feel Jared breathing. His hair is sweeping the bridge of Chad’s nose, his face is an inch away. It takes a lot of reasoning and a shit load of will power not to grip Jared by the hair and kiss him right there: sloppy, wet, and needy. But he doesn’t.

Jared pulls away for good this time, takes in a deep breath and says, “I’ll be back later.”, before grabbing he car keys and heading for the door.

--- --- ---

There were more people there than Jared had planned. He looked around, feeling a knot in his throat, thinking that maybe his chances of getting this has just been slimmed. With a quick scan of the room he found about ten people who looked like they’d be out of his role. In this show there were two brothers -- Sam and Dean Winchester. In the beginning Jared wanted to play Dean, but his agent said he looked too young to play an older brother. He‘s heard that before. “Sam Winchester is for you, kid, I swear,” he’d said.

Jared catches eyes with a guy who has shortly shaved hair and bright gray eyes. They lock on Jared’s for a minute. He smiles and it’s genuine, so Jared smiles back.

The room is full, a faint murmur of talking and people rehearsing. On the other side of the room there’s about three empty chairs and he moves to one.

He flips through his script even though he knows he has it perfectly. He must’ve read it a million times, and he’s got it. And even though he’d hate to admit it, he’s really warming up to this Sam character.


Jared’s head turns toward the right, bangs sweeping under his eyebrows just as some guy -- shorter than him, but no where near short, close cut hair, and a growl-like voice takes a seat. “Mind if I sit here?”

His eyes are emerald green, a spark of shyness in them, and a perfect smile. Jared can’t help but smile back. And it seems like ages before he shakes his head saying, “No, it’s fine. Please.”

He holds his hand out for the guy to shake. “’M Jared,” he says.

Jensen, he says his name is and he smiles just slightly again. He clears his throat almost nervously. Jensen’s a twenty-six year old struggling actor who moved from Texas to get a better shot at stardom.

“Fuck no! Seriously? You’re from Texas? Dude, me too!” Jared says, and if he looks back, he’d be ashamed at how giddy he was. But he couldn’t help it. Jensen had something about him that was just comfortable. He was a smooth-talking Texan who was an actor too. Jensen nods, says he’s from Dallas, and it’s been hard living away from home.

“Everything’s so different here,” Jensen said.

Ain’t that the truth. People here in L.A seem so fake. Nothing but fake boobs, fake accents, and fake talent. Here it’s not about how great of an actor you are, it’s about how many people you’re willing to fuck to get the lead role. If you come across as the type of person who’d be on your knees in point five seconds, then you’re hired. Congratulations, you’re a whore.

“My friends think I’m crazy.”

Jared arches an eyebrow. “For moving to L.A?”

“For wanting to act,” Jensen says, and he laughs again. Fuck, he’s got nice lips.

Jensen watches Jared talk and barely listens to anything he says because fuck he’s beautiful. He’s got this boyish charm about him that’s so adorable that it’s downright sexy. His smile is perfectly straight, bright white, and warm. And his voice reminds him of home. Late nights by the lake, the moon as a spotlight, and BBQ-ing till’ the last coal had gone dead. When Jared talks he looks up at Jensen from under his bangs, licks his lips out of habit, and he’s got Jensen reeling…

“..are you going out for?”

“W-what? I’m sorry, what?”

Jared smiles and Jensen returns the smile impulsively. It’s like automatic and almost embarrassing how much he’s giggling. But he doesn’t have time to think about that.

“What role are you going out for?” Jared repeats. His eyes are lost deep in Jared’s, and Jensen can’t quite tell what color they are. A second ago he could’ve sworn they were green, but he’s tilted his head the other way now, and suddenly they seem hazel.

It takes a minute for Jensen to find his words. “Uh, Dean. I’m auditioning for Dean. You?”

Jared brushes his bangs away from his eyes and says, “I intentionally wanted to go for Dean, but my agent said I’d be a better Sam, so.” He half-shrugs, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip. It shines in the soft light of the waiting room they’re in and Jensen wonders if it’s be as outlandish as it seems to just kiss him right here.

--- --- ---

The audition process seemed endless, and even though Jared was going out for Sam and Jensen for Dean, they had everyone switch intentional roles at least three times. They went through the same scene for what seemed like hours, and then there was individual auditions, and then pair auditions.

Jensen asked Jared to be his partner.

And they made one hell of a team.

They blew the producers right out of the water. A man on the end, bald and in a grey suit kept saying, “You guys are money. Money!” over and over with a heavy-hearted laugh.

Both nodded a thanks at all the producers and walked out, trying hard not to smile like five year olds on Christmas morning.

--- --- ---

Jensen makes it a point to walk Jared to his car. They talk all the way down the stairs and into the parking lot in back of the studio. Jensen likes the way Jared seems to always be happy. He’s tall, young, and Jensen almost feels ashamed to be interested in him the way he is.

It took a while for Jensen to admit to himself that he was even attracted to guys. Years of denial,and thought of maybe he was just curious. Teenage years were horrid; but early adulthood opened his eyes to a whole new world. The first guy he ever fucked name was George Franklin. He was at a night bar, open-mic night, and George was the guitarist in Jensen's long-time friend's band. When Jensen had first saw him, he couldn't even deny the fact that he was attracted to him. He'd kept his eyes on George the whole night.

The moment they were done playing George made a b-line toward Jensen and his old friend Kent. He'd introduced himself cleanly, smiling with his eyes, and didn't even hesitate when offering to buy Jensen a drink.

Jensen stayed with George all night, flirting bluntly. When George leaned in, lips brushing Jensen's, and whispered, "You wanna get out of here?", there was no way Jensen could say no.

He'd fucked George slow, passionate, and face down. Too-quick for his first time, but he couldn't complain. Jensen was half-hard before they'd even got to George's apartment, which was conveniently five and a half blocks up from the bar. George had his arms around Jensen's neck the second they were in the door, stopping in the hallway and rutting against him. A moment later, they were shirtless, panting open-mouthed against each other. George's tongue was hot against Jensen's neck, cocks rubbing, with George whispering, "I want you to fuck me -- I want you so bad, ohmygod..."

But that was about seven years ago now, and Jensen has been through about a dozen guys or so since then. Some more serious than others, but each ending emptily. And he didn't want to get too ahead of himself, but he could see something with Jared; granted he'd only known him for about four hours.

"You, uh, wanna hang out sometime?" Jensen says, and he's kind of surprised about how forward he's being. Usually, he's the one who has to be persuaded into anything near being called a date.

He can tell that Jared's taken aback by this, and it hits him hard. But he smiles away his bit of shock and says, "Yeah man, sure. Uh, here; gimmie your phone."

Jared puts his number in Jensen's phone, hands it back, and says, "Give me a call whenever, we can get lunch, or dinner, or..whatever, a drink, I don't know."

Jensen smiles, nodding and says, "I definitely will." He says it a little too slow, with a little too much smirk, and he wonders if he's coming on too strong. But Jared doesn't seem like the type to be put-off by anything. Not really. Jensen liked that about him.

When Jared drives away, Jensen takes another look at his phone, Jared's number still on the screen, and smirks to himself.

--- --- ---

He didn't want to seem too eager, but he calls Jared the next day anyway. It's about nine-thirty in the morning, and he tells himself over and over that it's too early and that he should call back later. A voice answers, and even though it's just from a small memory, it doesn't sound like Jared.

"Hey, uhm, is this Jared's phone?" Jensen asks, eyebrows scrunched, voice raising up an octave or two toward the end of his sentence.

There's a light laugh on the other end and Jensen thinks about hanging up until the voice, clearly a guy's voice, says, "Yeah, it's his phone. He's sleeping, through. Can I give him a message for you or something?"

Jensen almost lets it float right past him that there's some random guy answering Jared's phone at nine-thirty in the morning. He sounded older than Jared, but not by much, though. Jensen tells himself that maybe it's a brother. Something like that. And then he screams at himself that he has no fucking right to be jealous even in the slightest.

"Uh, yeah," Jensen says, rubbing his index across his brow. "Can you just tell him that Jensen called, and I just wanted to know if today was alright with him?"

"Alright for what?" the guy asks.

Who the fuck are you?, Jensen wants to ask, but he keeps cool and says, "I was thinking maybe we could meet up for lunch, coffee, a drink, whatever."

And it feels like Jensen's trying to get a date with the towns sheriff's daughter or something. Here's this dude, whoever the fuck he is, who's asking too many questions than Jensen feels he has no right to. And if this was some boyfriend or fuck-buddy of Jared's, then all of this just got real messy.

There's an empty silence on the other side, and Jensen flicks his eyes across the room, arching an eyebrow and reeling his hand. Hello?

"Yeah, alright, I'll ask him," the voice says halfheartedly and Jensen's starting to think he's pushing this guy's buttons somehow.

Jensen begins to say, "Thank you.", only gets to the 'th-' before the guy hangs up, and even if Jensen can't see it, he's bitter for whatever reason.

He pulls the phone from his ear, shaking his head.

"Well, fuck you, too, pal."

--- --- ---

You could say he's overreacting, but he wouldn't care. Chad hangs up Jared's phone and drops it back down on the foot of his bed. Jared had talked about Jensen almost the second he got in, and it took all Chad had to not throw his beer against the wall.

And it's funny. Not literally, but it's funny. Bitter, actually, the way Chad gets when he hears Jared rambling on and on about this guy. Chad had known about Jensen before he'd called, had a bad disposition about him since the second he heard his name. It'd only been for a couple of hours, but he sure left an impact on Jared.

Chad hated the way his eyes lit up talking about him. He was smiling, a real smile, and it's been awhile since Chad has seen one of those on Jared.

"He's just really fucking cool, I mean -- yeah, well," Jared says, and he's sort of rambling, but he doesn't care. Chad does all he can from throwing up right there. And it should be impossible for him to feel this way. Jared is his best friend for Christ's sake. But over the years it's turned into something more, at least for Chad it has.

It was gradual and damn near natural that Chad feels this way about Jared. And it was little things at first. While talking he'd have a thought, completely random, and he'd think to himself damn, his eyes are beautiful. And mentally he'd stop and think just what the hell is happening to him.

The first time he found himself jerking off to the thought of Jared, he knew he was in trouble. His mouth, perfect mouth, around his cock. And fuck it was the most gorgeous thought Chad's had in a while. And when he came, he could almost feel Jared's tongue sliding up the underside of his cock and dragging the orgasm out of him.

Seems like Jared's the only thing he can think of now.

--- --- ---

The first thing Chad says to Jared when he finally pulls himself out of bed at a little before noon is: "He called for you," bitter and quiet.

Jared rubs his eyes, squints at Chad and says, "Huh?" in a sleepy voice, and Chad almost cracks a smile because he has this adorableness about him when he first wakes up.

"Jensen. He called."

Chad reaches for Jared's phone and tosses it beside him on the bed. "He says he wants to do lunch if that's cool."

Jared nods slowly, and he can hear the haste in Chad's voice. He's upset about something that Jared just can't pin. "Uh... alright. Thanks, man," Jared says, looking at his phone before setting on his bed-stand, deciding to call Jensen back later.

Chad sits on his bed, faces Jared, and says, "So you gonna go?"

Jared's eyes meet Chad's. "Yeah. I guess. I mean, he's cool. You should meet him."

Chad almost laughs. The last thing he wants to do is meet Jensen. He's sure it'd only end up bloody. And Chad hates to admit it but Jensen seems like such a fucking threat, and neither of them have known him for more than twenty-four hours. But he sees the way Jared gets when he talks about him and he doesn't like it. Not even a little bit.

Jared stands, reaches for his phone and dials Jensen's number.

"Hey," he says, "It's Jared." And he smiles. Fuck, his smile is perfect. Chad rolls his eyes at the way Jared's talking. It's light and smooth and he's flirting, even if he doesn't know it.

He runs his hands through his hair, staring at the floor and says into the phone, "So what time? One thirty? Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. Okay. Uptown?" he laughs a little and Chad doubts anything Jensen's saying is funny in the slightest. "I know a place, it's called Golden Bell Diner. Yeah, yeah, that's the one. Okay, so I'll see you later."

Jared hangs the phone up and almost freezes at the look Chad's giving him.

"Hm." Chad mumbles and he doesn't mean to sound like this much of an asshole. He doesn't have the right to feel this way, honestly. But he does.

"What?" Jared asks, a shrug and a turn of his eyes follow. But Chad just shakes his head.

Jared turns and heads out of the bedroom. "I'm gonna go take a shower,okay?"

Chad watches him leave, angry at himself a little. But it doesn't stop him from wondering how it'd go if he just happened to be at the Golden Bell at the same time they were there.

Interesting, it should be.

Maybe it is time to pay Jensen a little visit.

--- --- --- --- -- -- -- 

jared/chad, rps, jared/jensen, j2

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