Quick Reaction: 6x21 Let It Bleed and 6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much

May 21, 2011 01:24

Alright boys and girls....here we go...

Two episodes, two different cut texts, two sets of lyrics that I pulled from the songs my iPod shuffled to on the walk home...

You don't even know how to say goodbye... )

season 6, quick reaction

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Comments 41

msninacat May 21 2011, 09:01:40 UTC
I mean, personally, if I were an ex-girlfriend of Dean's that had been kidnapped by demons and then they threw Dean's unconscious brother into the room, I'd be like "Score! Only a matter of time now..."

ILU for that! It's gold and so true. This is why you write good Winchesters. ;D

Finally, so...is Cas the new big bad for next season? It kind of makes sense if you think of it in terms of leveling-up (D&D nerds FTW) - the Winchesters went from fighting ghosts, to demons, to angels, and now "God"? Do we want them to kill Castiel? Do we want the real God to come and set things right? Do we want Castiel to die, or do we want him to repent? Do we want him to remain an angel, or be cast down?

All this is why it's so brilliant. He's not really a bad guy but he kinda is and what the hell are the boys gonna have to do about it? BRILLIANT.


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 09:19:38 UTC
Why thank you! ;)

And yes, it IS brilliant! I feel for Castiel, I really do...I'm not sure if I'm the only one or not, but I honestly do believe we've entered this weird world of blurry grey lines and I'm not sure how I want it to be resolved. (Besides, of course, I don't really want Dean to lose his friend/brother-from-another-mother, so if he can't be God, than I probably want him to either become human-in-Jimmy-form, or repent and remain an angel.)


msninacat May 21 2011, 09:24:14 UTC
Same here. But I live for the grey areas and loopholes, so bring it on show! ♥


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 09:25:52 UTC
Definitely, it's the grey that makes this show so interesting! ♥


raloria May 21 2011, 09:09:49 UTC
It was one hell of a 2 hours. :)
Enjoyed reading this, as always. I said on Twitter that in the first hour I wanted to hug Dean and in the second hour, hug Sam. Great acting from each of them. Jensen had me crying when he said goodbye to Lisa and Ben and Jared had me going "Wow" in that scene where Sam confronted his soulless self.


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 09:16:03 UTC
Totally agree about the hugs and the acting! In my effort to make sure I was remembering the first episode, I forgot to comment on what a fine job Jensen did - but he too had me misty-eyed (which is a lot for me). Especially, that completely broken look he gives Sam at the end...heart wrenching.

I kind of want to hug Castiel too, just because I can't help but think that if he had gotten more hugs this might not have happened...but, I suppose that's what everyone says about children who go off the deep end. :P


franztastisch May 21 2011, 11:07:22 UTC
I really don't know what to think about any of those episodes ( ... )


franztastisch May 21 2011, 11:08:44 UTC
Holy shit I didn't realise that comment was so long. Sorry!


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 20:20:58 UTC
No worries!


franztastisch May 21 2011, 11:13:50 UTC

I have got to stop spamming you. Apologies. I'm going now.


lusciniate May 21 2011, 12:13:01 UTC
Remember back in the day when demons were thin on the ground?
Yes, and then they went and opened the Devil’s Gate :)
But of course that doesn’t explain how they got that much in that time and place..

I wish they had thrown him in with Lisa and Ben, because that would have been hilarious. When they threw Sam in that room I was thinking that there would follow a wider shot with Ben and Lisa already there.. It’s always fun, when some one who has arrived to rescue someone else - gets also captured.

Those last questions of E21 - I think that yes.. Because Lisa didn’t remember Dean when he walked in the room. Although now that I am thinking - it has been so long ago, that she might have just not recognized him at that moment. But for the space around them (house, body everything else) - the hospital also was changed. A mystically vanished stab wound. And in that place - a car crash victim. So that would point out to a logical and all connected wipe-out.

CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON.... or how to pick out a Supernatural fan in a room: play ( ... )


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 20:18:50 UTC
But for the space around them (house, body everything else) - the hospital also was changed. A mystically vanished stab wound. And in that place - a car crash victim. So that would point out to a logical and all connected wipe-out.

Wow, good point...that was some final favour that Dean asked Castiel for.

[BTW May I steal that as a quote? I have no idea yet for what. But I love how that sounds! ]

I think that no one said Dean’s name in that moment. So - Dean was some “male model”guy standing there, and Bobby was having his name repeated by the dying lady..

Oh good point. It also occurred to me that Sam technically remembered his aliases before he remembered his real name -there's something kind of sad about that.

And the HellSam with that knife on the table. Candles, toying with suicide, but not really doing it. That was kind of powerful.

Oh man, you know, I didn't even catch that...I mean, I didn't put it together that he was considering offing himself. Now I'm REALLY worried about Sam. :S


lusciniate May 22 2011, 18:42:24 UTC
It also occurred to me that Sam technically remembered his aliases before he remembered his real name -there's something kind of sad about that.
Wow, didn't think of that.
But that also tells that those are among their favourite ones. All of them had been used previously, right? The favourite ones or just the ones who look most real at first glance?

I didn't put it together that he was considering offing himself. Maybe he wasn't going to do that. It's just that this image makes me think of that (probably because many times on movies in similar poses there is a gun on the table with the same intention ( ... )


hells_half_acre May 22 2011, 20:23:20 UTC
All of them had been used previously, right? The favourite ones or just the ones who look most real at first glance?

Personally, I thought they were the most famous alias - Zeppelin, Rush, and AC/DC. The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure that Jimmy Page was used by DEAN before, not Sam...in The Children Are Our Future. I remember it from the gag reel because Jensen remembered his own alias but not Jared's.

aybe he wasn't going to do that. It's just that this image makes me think of that (probably because many times on movies in similar poses there is a gun on the table with the same intention).

No, I think you're right and I just didn't put it together.

And yes, very good points about the use of weapon. It's a very well thought out and put together scene and Jared did wonderfully in it. I'm looking forward to watching it again, when I do the timelining.


borgmama1of5 May 21 2011, 15:38:44 UTC
"Does this mean that Castiel also went to their house, got rid of her boyfriend's body, and stole all the pictures of Dean that had been taken during his year there? Does this mean that they're going to sit around and wonder "Why is that we moved to Michigan? Why is there spray paint on the underside of my welcome mat?"

Love you for this--I wondered the exact same thing!

Gah, those were incredibly intense two hours--still processing. But main reactions--poor, broken Dean and broken-yet-motivated-to-function-for-Dean Sammy!


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 20:14:02 UTC

I'm very worried about poor Sam.


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