Quick Reaction: 6x21 Let It Bleed and 6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much

May 21, 2011 01:24

Alright boys and girls....here we go...

Two episodes, two different cut texts, two sets of lyrics that I pulled from the songs my iPod shuffled to on the walk home...

You don't even know how to say goodbye... )

season 6, quick reaction

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lusciniate May 21 2011, 12:13:01 UTC
Remember back in the day when demons were thin on the ground?
Yes, and then they went and opened the Devil’s Gate :)
But of course that doesn’t explain how they got that much in that time and place..

I wish they had thrown him in with Lisa and Ben, because that would have been hilarious. When they threw Sam in that room I was thinking that there would follow a wider shot with Ben and Lisa already there.. It’s always fun, when some one who has arrived to rescue someone else - gets also captured.

Those last questions of E21 - I think that yes.. Because Lisa didn’t remember Dean when he walked in the room. Although now that I am thinking - it has been so long ago, that she might have just not recognized him at that moment. But for the space around them (house, body everything else) - the hospital also was changed. A mystically vanished stab wound. And in that place - a car crash victim. So that would point out to a logical and all connected wipe-out.

CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON.... or how to pick out a Supernatural fan in a room: play this song, watch for crying.
So true.. So, so true! Strangely this was the most wet moment in finale..
[BTW May I steal that as a quote? I have no idea yet for what. But I love how that sounds! ]

[..]also kind of funny that he remembered Bobby before he remembered Dean.
I think that no one said Dean’s name in that moment. So - Dean was some “male model”guy standing there, and Bobby was having his name repeated by the dying lady..

And those last questions.. Not sure I know which way I would love it to go. I know I wished for Castiel choosing differently in the end. But the way the cards are dealt on table now - I have no idea.

I think I finally realized how good was soulless Sam. I never had anything against him (just missing the soulful Sam). But when they were facing each other off. Another thing that will get better while rewatching the whole S6. And the HellSam with that knife on the table. Candles, toying with suicide, but not really doing it. That was kind of powerful.

But those were so great 2 episodes. And thank you for once again writing it all down :)
P.S. Sorry. Previously failed at formatting.


hells_half_acre May 21 2011, 20:18:50 UTC
But for the space around them (house, body everything else) - the hospital also was changed. A mystically vanished stab wound. And in that place - a car crash victim. So that would point out to a logical and all connected wipe-out.

Wow, good point...that was some final favour that Dean asked Castiel for.

[BTW May I steal that as a quote? I have no idea yet for what. But I love how that sounds! ]

I think that no one said Dean’s name in that moment. So - Dean was some “male model”guy standing there, and Bobby was having his name repeated by the dying lady..

Oh good point. It also occurred to me that Sam technically remembered his aliases before he remembered his real name -there's something kind of sad about that.

And the HellSam with that knife on the table. Candles, toying with suicide, but not really doing it. That was kind of powerful.

Oh man, you know, I didn't even catch that...I mean, I didn't put it together that he was considering offing himself. Now I'm REALLY worried about Sam. :S


lusciniate May 22 2011, 18:42:24 UTC
It also occurred to me that Sam technically remembered his aliases before he remembered his real name -there's something kind of sad about that.
Wow, didn't think of that.
But that also tells that those are among their favourite ones. All of them had been used previously, right? The favourite ones or just the ones who look most real at first glance?

I didn't put it together that he was considering offing himself. Maybe he wasn't going to do that. It's just that this image makes me think of that (probably because many times on movies in similar poses there is a gun on the table with the same intention).

Just rewatched that scene and noticed cobwebs above his head! And the fact that they choose knife as the means for killing. Knife which is one really intimate weapon, because you have to get so close (and usually get blood on your hands, touch the other one). I suppose with a gun, it would be too much like putting down an animal. With the soulless Sam it was sort of "okay" to kill him, because that was in fight. But in this case. This was the best option. I think am falling more and more in love with this scene.


hells_half_acre May 22 2011, 20:23:20 UTC
All of them had been used previously, right? The favourite ones or just the ones who look most real at first glance?

Personally, I thought they were the most famous alias - Zeppelin, Rush, and AC/DC. The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure that Jimmy Page was used by DEAN before, not Sam...in The Children Are Our Future. I remember it from the gag reel because Jensen remembered his own alias but not Jared's.

aybe he wasn't going to do that. It's just that this image makes me think of that (probably because many times on movies in similar poses there is a gun on the table with the same intention).

No, I think you're right and I just didn't put it together.

And yes, very good points about the use of weapon. It's a very well thought out and put together scene and Jared did wonderfully in it. I'm looking forward to watching it again, when I do the timelining.


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