Quick Reaction: 6x15 The French Mistake

Feb 26, 2011 00:14

Such a good episode tonight...you can always count on Ben Edlund to bring the goods.

On this very special occasion, I'm going to go off iPod for my cut-text lyrics (mainly because my iPod chose to play a bunch of epic Radiohead songs on the way home, and as lovely as the songs were, they did not fit with the episode...)

So, on to the episode....

You may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife... )

season 6, quick reaction

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Comments 39

claudiapriscus February 26 2011, 08:34:02 UTC
How on earth are you supposed to pick a favorite part?

Though the alt!verse is a very sad place, IMO. But apparently demon magic works? Also: does this mean there's a variety of AU!RPF that's now potentially just plain old canonical gen fic? I mean? They're blurring the lines! I'm so confused!

I would have said there were no weak spots except that someone reminded me of the bit where Sam brings up several disasters that apparently afflicted the supernatural verse during the apocalypse... and all I could say to that was >:(

IT WASN"T SO HARD, show! You could have done that in season 5!


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 08:38:50 UTC
IT WASN"T SO HARD, show! You could have done that in season 5!

They did. It was on the news in Swan Song. It all happened just after Sam said yes.

But apparently demon magic works?

I too was confused at this! Apparently the blood-cup-cellphone has the best reception out of everything in all universes :P

does this mean there's a variety of AU!RPF that's now potentially just plain old canonical gen fic?

Yes, up is down, black is white...

How on earth are you supposed to pick a favorite part?

I have no idea! Hence the complete incoherency of my reaction post :P


claudiapriscus February 26 2011, 09:36:27 UTC
Swan Song counts as too little, too late in my book. It's more the principle of the thing. Subtly building up, you know, even if you don't have the budget for it? They obviously understand the concept.

Maybe they brought it up on purpose, haha.

The RPF AU thing is kind of blowing my mind, to telll you the truth. It could be like our fringe alt verse! A sad place where there is no more Cas, Misha's tweets were dreadfully boring, and he and most of the crew died.

On the other hand, this also invites the possibility of Canonical!AU!RPF 'verse fic. The fic that those fangirls would write, or their comments or metas.

What have the writers done?! They've trapped us in a recursive thingymabob of fandom! ;)


Me. harsens_rob February 26 2011, 11:46:33 UTC
My personal feeling, tweeking the fanbase is best when done as an "aside" rather than being so blatant in that you base a whole episode on it.

This is my personal preference though, and I generally like the episode... especially both Jared's and Misha's ability to laugh at themselves and Jensen making fun of his name.


risenshine22 February 26 2011, 09:05:42 UTC
you've got me in stitches - again LOL!
I was wondering where the real fake Jensen and Jared from that universe were?
I loved how Dean missed his mark, because Jensen rarely does!
And the pics in the entrance hall? Gosh, they look just what I did to Jensen in that calendar I sent them! If they really used (and perfectioned) my idea, I so LUV it!


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 09:16:22 UTC
I was wondering where the real fake Jensen and Jared from that universe were?

Oh man, I forgot to mention that in the post, but I was wondering that also!

I LOVE those pics in the entrance hall! So awesomely hilarious. I told my friends that if I ever made millions of dollars and got a mansion, I'd commission similar works of myself...hahaha...


risenshine22 February 26 2011, 10:02:30 UTC
mmh, do you think Jared and Gen were allowed to keep them?
I also loved the scene in Jensen's trailer with the Dean footage in the background - "really?"


galwithglasses February 26 2011, 18:18:57 UTC
If you watch the Dean footage long enough, he winks and then Sam sticks his head in the shot and winks like they do in gag reels.


msninacat February 26 2011, 09:08:19 UTC
(Totally furthering the theme of sexual assault against the male leads, I should add - just to go all serious on you for a second...these guys have been sexually assaulted more than...umm...I'll stop there so that I don't offend anyone).

I'm not offended I'm gonna hold onto that and wave it like a banner everytime the wank about violence against women on the show starts. THANK YOU!

I also think you guys should put maple leaves on everything. I love when I get a show clip and there's the rating box with half a maple leaf on it. LOL ♥

I agree with the above comment. There is NO WAY I can pick ONE favorite part. I do think there was not enough poking of the fans with a stick but they seemed to be more poking at themselves on this one so I can accept that. XD


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 09:20:05 UTC
I'm gonna hold onto that and wave it like a banner everytime the wank about violence against women on the show starts.

That's basically what I do! I think Sam and Dean are the most sexually assaulted people on TV.

I also think you guys should put maple leaves on everything.

Oh man, that police tape just killed me! Especially because I knew probably the rest of the world wouldn't even recognize it as a joke.

I love our little rating box too ;)

And yeah, I think they're a little bit shy at poking the fans too much, because they don't want to accidentally insult us...plus, they had Becky last season, and she was awesomesauce - it'd be hard to top her.


zestyzorra February 26 2011, 09:18:51 UTC
Such an awesome episode! XD I loved all of it, especially Misha simutaneously tweeting IRL but I think I laughed the hardest at the shot of Jared!Sam on the computer with the larger pic of Jared!Cowboy in the background. I can't wait for people to post screencaps so I can make that my new icon pronto!

And I also can't get over the part where THEY KILLED KRIPKE! lol reminds me of "THEY KILLED KENNY! YOU BASTARDS!" from South Park.


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 09:22:01 UTC
Oh man! I missed nearly all the dialog in that scene, I was laughing so hard at the visual of Sam sitting in front of that ridiculous photo.

Kripke's death was epic indeed! Haha, they should have had someone yell that :P


zestyzorra February 26 2011, 09:23:54 UTC
Haha, they should have had someone yell that :P

IKR!? But I think if that happened, the show would spontaneously combust from too much awesome! :P


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 09:25:06 UTC
Haha, true, you have to be careful when you're playing with that much fire ;)


raloria February 26 2011, 09:59:23 UTC
Did you notice they filmed all the outdoor "studio" stuff on the Watchman Set? Hee! Recognized it right away. ;)

What bridge did they go over? Someone said Granville, which would be awesome 'cause that's the one we've always come in on. *squee* But maybe it was Cambie? Not sure, even after looking at the video.

Btw, there was another Canada reference. In the alley where Misha is killed there's an ad on the back wall for an O, Canada Clothing Store or something like that. I'll have to grab a cap of it. Hee!

Loved reading your thoughts, as always. There was a lot going on in this one! :D


kaybee751 February 26 2011, 17:45:20 UTC
We just frame-by-framed the bridge scene; it's Cambie for sure. BC Place's under-construction roof and the coloured stacks of the Olympic Village heat recovery system are to the right. Off to the left (at least in HD), you can see the Wall Centre in the distance - that's where VanCon is held. Awesome.


raloria February 26 2011, 17:56:50 UTC
Thanks for clarifying it. :)
I took another look myself and was pretty sure it was Cambie. Didn't quite look right for Granville.

Yeah, I know about the Wall Centre. I've been to both VanCons. ;)


hells_half_acre February 26 2011, 20:04:30 UTC
That's the brilliant thing with this show - there were probably tons of little visual gags that I missed the first time though - heck, there were probably visual gags that only meant something to the cast and crew and we'll never understand the joke.

Like Serge being able to dodge bullets? Hahaha...

I think the only thing they filmed off studio was the motel at the end (the 2400) and the footage of Cambie bridge. Everything else was studio or the old Watchman set.


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