Quick Reaction: 6x15 The French Mistake

Feb 26, 2011 00:14

Such a good episode tonight...you can always count on Ben Edlund to bring the goods.

On this very special occasion, I'm going to go off iPod for my cut-text lyrics (mainly because my iPod chose to play a bunch of epic Radiohead songs on the way home, and as lovely as the songs were, they did not fit with the episode...)

So, on to the episode....

We open with the boys in Bobby's place. There's a thunderstorm outside and they're out of liquor, and so Bobby's out on a supply run...poor Bobby...

Balthazar shows up and rummages through Bobby's house like he knows where things are...doing a quick spell and handing Sam a key, and then shoving them out Bobby's window just as an angel assassin shows up to kill them all....and the boys land: on the set of Supernatural. Dare I say: Best ending to a cold-open ever? I absolutely loved the crew guy calling snapping the gate to end the take.

I really don't even know how to review this episode. It was REALLY good. I laughed pretty much the entire time...actually, there were many an occassion where I was REALLY glad that my friend had a PVR so that we could go back and listen to the dialog that we couldn't hear because we were laughing so hard.

First thing: Genevieve was credited as "Genevieve Padalecki" Awwwww....she took his NAME, guys...I find that so adorable...look at them, all in love and traditional and whatnot...SO CUTE!

Second thing: They actually seemed to have a French-Canadian character on crew! Yay Canada!

Ok, where did we leave off? The boys quickly discover they don't know what the hell is going on. Dean is wearing make-up, and Sam is being interviewed...and yeah, part of me really wonders how the rest of that interview went :P

I mainly just want to quote the episode...

The directors talking about cutting the scene where they talk about their feelings by the Impala - "Ha! Right - you answer the hate mail". Dean's "I'm a painted whore" line...oh man...

Sam finds out their names..."What so your polish now?" I love that Dean actually recognizes it as a polish name...haha...

Then Dean's line about how he wants to go home because it feels like the whole place is "bad touching" him...aww...poor Dean...it's just another thing in a long line of things that has bad touched him. (Totally furthering the theme of sexual assault against the male leads, I should add - just to go all serious on you for a second...these guys have been sexually assaulted more than...umm...I'll stop there so that I don't offend anyone).

I also love Dean discovering his trailer: "That's fake me's name. I guess this is fake mine!"

I also love how everything is so much more...opulent...than it is in real life. The fish tank in the trailer and the helicopter. Why does Jensen have a helicopter?!?! I love how happy Dean is to have it though...I guess that's why :P

And then Sam finds the Days of Our Lives clip...and Dean's reaction is "we have to get out of this universe!" Hahaha....oh teenagery twinky Jensen....you were so adorkable.

I'm probably getting events out of order...but whatever...

They meet "Cas" who turns out to be Misha...and how good is Misha for acting like he's acting when they first meet him. I love the more inane stuff that Misha tweets in the universe (apparently Misha simultaneously tweeted the same tweets tonight along with the episode - metamadness indeed!)

"Clif" drives them to Jared's house...oh yeah, apparently in this universe, Jared and Jensen aren't friends....awww...boo.

Jared apparently lives in a huge mansion and likes to hang pictures of himself on the wall...oh, and him and Gen have a pet Alpaca and support a charity for Otter Adoption (CUTE! I love Otters). But man, the PAINTINGS....

And Genevieve's entrance was great...the awkward kiss and "You married fake Ruby?!"

Seriously, this review is not doing this episode justice.

Then we collapsed into laughter again when Sam went into "Jared's" study and there was that ridiculous photoshopped picture of him on that horse....and they bought a bone of a lesser saint off the internet...

The best part though, the part where I nearly fell off the couch with laughter, was the part where they show up to set the next day and have to act...so, you have Jared and Jensen pretending to be Sam and Dean pretending to be Jared and Jensen pretending to be Sam and Dean....

And they are HORRIBLE actors. Oh man, I was nearly ON THE FLOOR, because Jensen was so stiff and Jared was in the background not knowing what to do with his hands....oh god....and then Dean telling Sam not to look at the camera, so he looks at the ceiling while he does his lines...

Alright, again, probably out of order, but I love Dean using that John Lennon lyric "No hell below us, above us only sky"...man, that really is a dream for the Winchesters, I think.

My friend was momentarily disappointed that Supernatural was suggesting that we live in a magic-less universe - but then I pointed out that it wasn't actually OUR universe that they were in, because their versions of Jared, Jensen, and Misha (and Kripke and everyone else) weren't the REAL versions...so, still not our universe. Ha! Nice work-around, Show!

Ok, back to the episode....the directors thinks that Jared and Jensen are on drugs...Sam and Dean can't get home....and Virgil is shooting Canadians! NOOOOoooooo.....

Oh man...I LOVE that they actually had it set in Vancouver and they used that footage of the view going over the bridge into downtown...and well...the best part is yet to come....

So, just when we think things can't get any worse: Misha is kidnapped! Not only that...THEY SLIT MISHA'S THROAT! OH MAN! I couldn't believe it. THEY KILLED MISHA!

And Genevieve is crying, and I love how confused she gets when Sam and Dean ask "where?" when she tells them Misha's been stabbed.

Ok...now we get to the best part...There's a maple leaf on the police tape! AH HAhahahahaha...that's Canada for you, putting maple leafs on EVERYTHING! It's such a small little visual gag, but it had me in stitches. (There was also that reflection of the neon red maple leaf in the car window as they drove into Vancouver...) We seriously do not put maple leafs on everything, guys, but I'm beginning to think we should...

Anyway, we're still reeling over Misha's untimely death...and then they question the homeless guy, and he calls Misha "the handsome crying man" Hahaha

So, the boys know where Virgil is going to be, so they head back to set....

Meanwhile, on set, "Kripke" has arrived to give the boys a stern talking too...he's been working on a project called OctoCobra, which my friend assumes is a joke about Sharktopus (look it up, it's real!)...and then Virgil shows up and BLOWS HIM TO SMITHEREENS!

In the epic battle that commences. Virgil is shooting everyone...and I love it, because I'm pretty sure Lou Bollo (the stunt coordinator who played himself) did the 'I've-been-shot' fall, without actually being shot (which was totally going to be my strategy if I ever found myself in a shooting). Anyway, Sam and Dean show up and they defeat Virgil...just in time to be sucked back into their own universe by Raphael...

...who is a woman now! Looking good, Raph.

Then, Balthazar shows up and informs us and the Winchesters that it was all an elaborate distraction...and then Cas shows up and declares that he has the weapons that Raphael was trying to get from Balthy...and Cas does the impressive wing-thing!!

Finally, Balthy and Raph leave and Cas zaps Sam and Dean's back to Bobby's much damaged home (Bobby isn't going to be happy when he gets home from the liquor store)....and Dean is all like "TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON!" and Cas is like "NO! SHIT HAS TO BE EVEN MORE DRAMATIC BEFORE I DO THAT!"

And then Sam and Dean talk....and well, just to get serious for a second here: I thought it was interesting that although Dean wanted to get home in the beginning, he seemed to want to try to convince Sam to stay. Sam's arguments was that they're friends were back home (Umm...Sam, you don't have that many friends...Bobby, Cas, Rufus?) and that they weren't even brothers in the AU (Dean had no comment to this.) And then, even at the end here, we get Sam basically saying that the most important thing is that they have each other, and Dean remaining mostly mute on the subject....ominous? A warning of bad Dean-decisions to come? Aftermath of Dean trying to figure out exactly what family means and whether Sam should be the be all end all of his whole life?....

Ok, so, I missed SO MUCH, because this episode was so rich. I can't even begin to cover it all...I didn't even mention the prop-Impala scene...or the jab at how much Canadians talk about hockey (Dude, it's a lot, I'm not going to lie...plus the Canucks are doing really well this year...)

I loved all the sets they walked through...the fact that they still had the sewer-Dragon set.....

There was just SO MUCH....

So...tell me your favourite bit in comments!! I obviously do not have it together enough to write anything more coherent than this right now :P

season 6, quick reaction

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