[Day 14] Coward's Wing Showers

Jan 24, 2010 08:17

Tassadar had found it difficult to move his large form out of bed. The thin mattress had creaked beneath his movements, and without a second thought, the Protoss warrior began making his way towards the showers. His body ached from the canine bites, but he'd experienced far worse at the hands of the Zerg ( Read more... )

sae, tassadar, yuuri, sephiroth, gellert grindelwald, 11-12

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Comments 22

mazoku_king January 24 2010, 16:31:47 UTC
Yuuri woke up as the siren sounded throughout the prison, but it took him more than just a few minutes to pull his mind away from his thoughts. The fact that they'd barely managed to bury Wolfram before the dogs got to them still weighed heavily on his mind.

It just wasn't right that he had to bury Wolfram in the first place, but even if he felt crushed inside, Yuuri knew it had been the right thing to do. Still, it didn't stop the feelings of regret from almost drowning him, but the young Maou knew that he couldn't let himself be swallowed up by it.

No, he had people here that he still had to protect.

Forcing himself out of bed, Yuuri walked down along the hall before he stopped just outside of Cloud's cell. Peering into the room, he quietly asked, "Cloud?"



clinically_nuts January 24 2010, 16:34:15 UTC
It appeared as though they had wasted their entire night attempting to bury that useless corpse. Still, if there was one thing to at least be grateful for, it was the noticeable lack of creatures stalking the night. It hadn't gone passed his notice, and it left the ex-General feeling far more cautious than he did before.

Did that mean that those in control here were planning something? The fact that they'd shocked them all into unconsciousness didn't help settle his suspicions either.

There was no hesitation in removing his jumpsuit from his body as he stripped for the showers. Strolling in, he hardly paid attention to the other prisoners as Sephiroth moved in to take one of the unoccupied showers.



seconddarkest January 25 2010, 03:34:58 UTC
Heading down from the Pervert's Wing in his pink jumpsuit, Gellert had the obvious wide-eyed look of a new arrival. He looked with fascination at everything and everybody, grinning on occasion - which seemed to contradict the innocence of his features. Why would anyone be grinning at finding themseves in such a place?

But he looked oddly cheerful. He didn't even hesitate to strip off the pink clothes and head toward the shower next to Sephiroth. He began humming rather cheerfully as he began to wash his body.


clinically_nuts January 25 2010, 15:44:48 UTC
The area around him was, thankfully, devoid of others. While he'd lowered himself to tolerating the other prisoners he still hardly wished to socialise with them either - not unless they could further his own gain, anyway.

They all knew to keep their distance, and it was why one so boldly decided to step up beside him, that Sephiroth's eyes narrowed subtly as he peered down to the humming fool, "Is it absolutely prudent to do such a task beside me?"


seconddarkest January 25 2010, 18:20:23 UTC
That brought forth a laugh from the blond. "I've never been very prudent," his eyes sparkled gleefully at Sephiroth then he resumed humming happily, not moving away at all. His carefree attitude making him seem either crazy or that he was simply clueless but he knew what he was doing and it was clear where he was. He just felt, for some reason, that this was somehow more exciting than where he had just been - and was thinking of it more as an adventure.

It didn't matter that Sephiroth struck a more intimidating figure either. Gellert wasn't afraid of anything or anybody - at least nothing he'd admit to, even to himself.


number1112 January 25 2010, 05:40:24 UTC
11-12 had slept very badly - having horrible dreams of dead bodies and burying people - some of them alive. He'd woken up with a frightened cry and again feeling a little sick.

Hearing the announcement for the new day he quickly went to the showers, hoping to just keep his head down and stay out of everyone's way and not get into any trouble.


focusfocusfocus January 26 2010, 07:51:34 UTC
[From here

"Hey wait, a-aren't we going the wrong way? I-I thought the women's showers were over there! No wait, this is the men's, isn't it? I-I-I can't go in there! People will stare a-and it'll be indecent a-a-and&mdash!" Sae shut her mouth when her escorting guard shot her a look that could have killed her from a hundred feet away if looks worked that way. Eeeeeeee . . .Still trembling all over, she let him lead her into the men's showers, shrinking into the furthest corner she could find to change out of her yellow jumpsuit and slip a towel around her naked form. She could feel the leering eyes all around. Her face turned deep red, and she looked down at her own body shamefully. Sometimes she wished she had been born male. Then maybe she wouldn't have been as awkward. Or weak. Or vulnerable. Ultimately, she was grateful to be who she was, but right now, in a room full of mostly imposing men and not many women, she felt beyond exposed ( ... )


number1112 January 26 2010, 08:07:51 UTC
11-12 glanced at her nervously. He didn't look at all imposing and did in fact look very lost and scared. He blushed slightly at seeing a girl near to him - even with a towel - but he didn't stare and pointedly looked away, also trying to concentrate on washing himself quickly.


focusfocusfocus January 26 2010, 08:20:54 UTC
Sae caught the blush out of the corner of her eye. This one didn't seem to be a lech like some of the burlier prisoners, at least. The look on his face looked similar to ones she had seen on Takakura when he was embarrassed, even. Maybe he was like more like Shibuya and herself, then? A nice guy who had been drawn away from his home without deserving it? She thought that she had met most of those types already. Maybe he was new?

"E-excuse me, I don't think I've seen you before," Sae said hesitantly as she washed her hair. "How long have you been here?"


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