[Night 12] Area Between Killer's and Traitor's Wing

Nov 08, 2009 18:59

[Heading out from here]Stepping outside, Sephiroth's gaze instantly roamed over the area searching for any threats. The yard was quiet, fortunately as he made his way deeper into the area as he fell deep in thought. Cloud's previous words came back to mind, and it left Sephiroth wondering if he'd ever have the ability to ever be what Cloud desired ( Read more... )

aerith gainsborough, yuuri, sephiroth, armand, cloud

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Comments 28

wiltedr0ses November 9 2009, 16:20:57 UTC
Looking up as she stepped outside the tower with Cloud, Aerith's eyes caught the moon. It still seemed just as full as yesterday, and she found that a little strange. Still, there were bigger things to worry about as she dropped her eyes to instead scan the area before them.

Sure, it wasn't as if she'd be able to dispatch anything that appeared, but at least she could warn the two men if they didn't see it first.

There wasn't much to be said, but Aerith found herself a bit disturbed by the lack of noise. Nothing seemed alive her except themselves, and the silence was so definite that despite it bothering her, she felt afraid to break it. Instead, she found herself looking over at Cloud and smiling softly, hoping that tonight would go smoothly.


some0nes_hero November 10 2009, 02:56:58 UTC
Stepping out in the night air, Cloud mulled over the potential for violent adventure. He almost suggested going to the maze that he had once been trapped in, but he doubted that it would be much more than frustrating. The Chapel and Library were familiar territory, and it was best not to take risks when Aerith couldn't defend herself yet.

Trekking across the dirt covered ground, he simply looked bored as he headed for the Chapel. He caught Aerith's smile and blinked before offering a small one of his own, shy as it might have seemed. What had he done that would warrant a smile in the first place? Damn, women were so complicated.

"Sephiroth, did you need more than that net gun and dagger of yours?" He might give up the bastard sword if the ex-General asked nicely.


clinically_nuts November 10 2009, 03:15:21 UTC
Could he change in the way that Cloud desired? Glancing back ahead of him, Sephiroth focused his attention over towards the Chapel. There seemed to have been a change that had already started within, and had been slowly evolving ever since his arrival. The thought left the ex-General feeling oddly uncomfortable and he felt a sudden desire for something that was knownFor the first time since arriving here, Sephiroth had to admit that he missed his leather. He wasn't one who usually cared much for such things, but the comfort the clothing usually brought would have been welcome. Dressed as he currently was, he silently admitted to a feeling of loss ( ... )


clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 05:05:51 UTC
[Moving out from here]

Sephiroth stalked his way back out of the Chapel as he pulled the dagger from his jumpsuit pocket. Throwing it dagger down into the compacted ground, Sephiroth's darkened gaze narrowed at the sight before he grunted and continued his way over towards the library.

Cloud would, undoubtedly, be angered at his actions, but Sephiroth found that he simply didn't care at this point in time.


wiltedr0ses November 11 2009, 05:29:59 UTC
Aerith's shoulder hurt now that she'd pushed the Chapel doors open with it, and her fingers hurt from the pressure she had to apply to the sword to even carry it. Still, she felt like this was something she needed to do, and her lack of physical strength wasn't going to stop her.

"Hey!" she yelled rather loudly, standing just outside the Chapel doors. It probably wasn't wise to be so loud, but she wasn't thinking entirely clearly at the moment.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" she asked him pointedly, wondering if he would even stop to answer her. Maybe it would be better if he didn't.


some0nes_hero November 11 2009, 05:36:03 UTC
The encounter was going better then he thought it would, which kept him out of the direct confrontation building. With their past, they did need to work things out, even if it seemed a little too short of notice. He and Sephiroth had worked out their differences over a few fights and beatings from the guards, and he could assume that something similar might be required for Sephiroth to accept Aerith.

His hand were tucked into his pockets as he watched Sephiroth leave the Chapel, and he sensed Sephiroth's anger through the Jenova link. Still, he followed silently as Aerith made every effort to get out of the Chapel. He brought of the rear but purposefully kept out of the way, standing off to the side instead.


clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 05:45:16 UTC
Sephiroth stalked down the chapel steps as he walked right by the dagger he'd thrown. There had been some hope within that neither would be foolish enough to follow too closely and to simply allow him some space.

It appeared that it simply wasn't meant to be, and as the Cetra called out to him, Sephiroth's anger boiled down to a smouldering rage. Remaining with his back to them, he flexed his hands by his sides to help dispel parts of his anger. Sephiroth had said it clear enough for any fool to understand, or so he had believed.

He had to close his eyes to help calm his mind. Sephiroth could feel the memories hidden within his cells calling to him to be rid of the Cetra, and he so desired to do such a thing. Slowly turning around to view the pair, his frosty gaze fixated themselves on the bane of his existence.

"You think that I wish to have anything to do with you purely because we are trapped here?" Sephiroth dangerously questioned. The rage he felt inside continued to build to the point where he simply had to take a quiet ( ... )


mazoku_king November 12 2009, 02:11:54 UTC
[Moving out from here]

The door slammed open as Yuuri pushed at it. Waltzing out with confidence, the young Maou couldn't get his mind away from what they might end up finding. "I wonder how many other books in the library are like that?" Yuuri cheerfully asked as he glanced back over his shoulder towards Armand.


petite_frere November 12 2009, 02:34:28 UTC
Armand followed, hand-in-hand actually, almost sleepily listening to Yuuri chatter. "I don't know. We could search, I suppose." He'd never had noticed if Alice wasn't acting so strangely.


mazoku_king November 12 2009, 03:31:06 UTC
Yuuri continued to make his way confidently across the grounds as he happily pulled Armand along behind him. Just thinking that there might be other places made him want to look for them, and with a slight swing of his arm, Yuuri cheerfully wondered out loud, "Wouldn't it be good if we found a map or a secret tunnel leading out of the prison!"


petite_frere November 13 2009, 03:18:05 UTC
"You're so eager." He hoped after all this that he could remember where he'd seen Alice looking. "Have you noticed that people are treating all this like a competition?" Armand thought they should all work together, but he didn't think it would happen. People were competing for the items, dubious good that they were. What good were two bottles of alcohol?


clinically_nuts December 2 2009, 04:17:45 UTC
[Moving down to here]

The feathers on his wing instantly puffed up in response to the cool air as he made his way back outside. Growling subtly at the back of his throat, the dark appendage extended out and back in again as Sephiroth attempted to smooth out the response.

He was nothing but a weak fool, and now even his own body was going against him.


some0nes_hero December 2 2009, 04:27:31 UTC
Stepping outside into the night air again, Cloud breathed a large breath. It was nice to get out of the stuffy rooms and back into the open space of the prison yard. Of course, it wasn't hard to pick up the reactions from Sephiroth either, given that birds only puffed when cold or largely injured.

He walked over to stand near the ex-General and ran a hand over his hair, ignoring the wounds on his hands. "Separated or broken," he asked quietly. "You haven't moved your left arm at all since I saw you in that fight."


wiltedr0ses December 2 2009, 04:39:36 UTC
Aerith had needed to take her time traveling down the stairs. She felt exhausted. Even if her strength was slowly returning, she knew that without sleep, she would get nowhere near to her normal functioning tonight. She had one more spell in her at most, she thought, though she would be ready if it was necessary.

The Cetra was still a little put off by Sephiroth's suddenly appearing wing, having never seen such a thing before. It was hard to be too scared though, due to the way it was acting now. It was obvious that Sephiroth was a little worse for the wear.

She had already decided that she would heal him, if either of them asked it of her. Though, given his previous response to even helping Cloud in that department, she found it rather unlikely. She wasn't about to suggest it herself, for fear of incurring the general's wrath further. Aerith wasn't sure how much more he could take, temper-wise.

The Cetra was simply content to follow along behind them, keeping herself quiet. She thought that would be better, at least for


clinically_nuts December 2 2009, 04:45:20 UTC
He could feel the others closing in behind him, and the thought caused his muscles to tense. The fact that he was injured was hardly something he desired to have pointed out to him, and when Cloud moved to walk alongside, Sephiroth had to fight back the warning growl.

"It's none of your concern," Sephiroth said before dismissively turning his attention away from the blonde. He'd never been this injured before in his life - not even while under the care of Professor Hojo, and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Grunting softly at his thoughts, Sephiroth walked in long strides as he made his way wordlessly across the yard.


petite_frere December 6 2009, 05:40:11 UTC
[from here]

Just outside the door, he was grateful for his friend's help. The blast of fresh air in his face almost made Armand giddy.


mazoku_king December 6 2009, 16:55:36 UTC
He knew he was worrying Armand, but he couldn't bring himself to leave his friend behind. "Just a little bit further, Armand." Yuuri said encouragingly with a smile.

Adjusting his grip around his friend, Yuuri made certain to keep up a quick pace as he heard the dogs barking off in the distance. He wouldn't leave anyone else behind ever again. He'd make sure of that.

[Rushing back through to here]


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