[Night 12] Area Between Killer's and Traitor's Wing

Nov 08, 2009 18:59

[Heading out from here]Stepping outside, Sephiroth's gaze instantly roamed over the area searching for any threats. The yard was quiet, fortunately as he made his way deeper into the area as he fell deep in thought. Cloud's previous words came back to mind, and it left Sephiroth wondering if he'd ever have the ability to ever be what Cloud desired ( Read more... )

aerith gainsborough, yuuri, sephiroth, armand, cloud

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clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 05:05:51 UTC
[Moving out from here]

Sephiroth stalked his way back out of the Chapel as he pulled the dagger from his jumpsuit pocket. Throwing it dagger down into the compacted ground, Sephiroth's darkened gaze narrowed at the sight before he grunted and continued his way over towards the library.

Cloud would, undoubtedly, be angered at his actions, but Sephiroth found that he simply didn't care at this point in time.


wiltedr0ses November 11 2009, 05:29:59 UTC
Aerith's shoulder hurt now that she'd pushed the Chapel doors open with it, and her fingers hurt from the pressure she had to apply to the sword to even carry it. Still, she felt like this was something she needed to do, and her lack of physical strength wasn't going to stop her.

"Hey!" she yelled rather loudly, standing just outside the Chapel doors. It probably wasn't wise to be so loud, but she wasn't thinking entirely clearly at the moment.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" she asked him pointedly, wondering if he would even stop to answer her. Maybe it would be better if he didn't.


some0nes_hero November 11 2009, 05:36:03 UTC
The encounter was going better then he thought it would, which kept him out of the direct confrontation building. With their past, they did need to work things out, even if it seemed a little too short of notice. He and Sephiroth had worked out their differences over a few fights and beatings from the guards, and he could assume that something similar might be required for Sephiroth to accept Aerith.

His hand were tucked into his pockets as he watched Sephiroth leave the Chapel, and he sensed Sephiroth's anger through the Jenova link. Still, he followed silently as Aerith made every effort to get out of the Chapel. He brought of the rear but purposefully kept out of the way, standing off to the side instead.


clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 05:45:16 UTC
Sephiroth stalked down the chapel steps as he walked right by the dagger he'd thrown. There had been some hope within that neither would be foolish enough to follow too closely and to simply allow him some space.

It appeared that it simply wasn't meant to be, and as the Cetra called out to him, Sephiroth's anger boiled down to a smouldering rage. Remaining with his back to them, he flexed his hands by his sides to help dispel parts of his anger. Sephiroth had said it clear enough for any fool to understand, or so he had believed.

He had to close his eyes to help calm his mind. Sephiroth could feel the memories hidden within his cells calling to him to be rid of the Cetra, and he so desired to do such a thing. Slowly turning around to view the pair, his frosty gaze fixated themselves on the bane of his existence.

"You think that I wish to have anything to do with you purely because we are trapped here?" Sephiroth dangerously questioned. The rage he felt inside continued to build to the point where he simply had to take a quiet ( ... )


wiltedr0ses November 11 2009, 05:53:56 UTC
Aerith stood her ground as the general stalled, apparently trying to calm himself before speaking to her. Her eyes narrowed angrily at the way he looked at her - it wasn't fair for him to be so mean! What had she ever done to him?

"Of course not," she retorted. "I don't exactly like you any more than you like me, but at least I know how to be civil and cooperative." Her words felt sharp on her tongue - she couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten angry with anyone, but this man deserved everything she could possibly say and more.

"The only arrogant person I see around here is you," she continued, barely hearing the words she spoke. "Claiming yourself to be worthy of ruling the Planet or some such nonsense. Here, you're just as weak as everyone else, so why don't you try acting like it."


some0nes_hero November 11 2009, 06:00:50 UTC
Well, things were progressing smoothly from bad to worse, but they hadn't resorted to violence yet. If their positions had been reversed, he was pretty certain that he would have already crossed the distance and tried to lay a fist full of hurt into Sephiroth's skull. Aerith was clearly more civil on this matter, mostly because it would be impossible for her to take Sephiroth in a physical fight.

Still, he remained out of the confrontation, hoping that they would get this all out of their systems and move on. He was less concerned about Aerith in the regard, but Sephiroth was already putting up a huge front against progress. It was against everything the ex-General had been taught, but there were matters pertaining to Aerith that had always confused him.

Let them have their little battle in hopes for a peaceful end. Was there even a chance for that?


clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 06:13:22 UTC
The Cetra's sharp words bled any form of warmth remaining within Sephiroth's gaze. Civil and cooperative? That's right, he was nothing but a monster to the planet and those who worshiped her - a plague meant to be erased. The thought caused his lips to curl up into a far-too-pleased smirk, but Sephiroth said nothing as every last shred of emotion slipped away.

It wasn't that he'd closed off the link between himself and Cloud, but shut himself down emotionally as his gaze lingered on Aerith.

"Very well," Sephiroth said with a smooth voice, "Since I'm a terribly uncivilised," monster, "individual, I sincerely apologise." Bowing lowly, the ex-General's gesture only lasted a mere moment before he righted his posture. That same smile remained poised on his lips desire the lack of emotion behind the gesture. Pulling himself away, Sephiroth continued on wordlessly towards the Library.

How could he have forgotten his place so quickly?


wiltedr0ses November 11 2009, 06:24:42 UTC
Aerith was stunned into silence by the general's rather strange response. The whole exchange was incredibly creepy, really, and she would have much rather him continue to verbally spar with her. This wasn't something she could handle. Really, what was she supposed to say to that.

As Sephiroth turned and began to walk away again, Aerith found herself sighing and shaking her head slowly. Somehow, even though she was sure he'd deserved it, she felt guilty.

Frowning, Aerith looked over her shoulder, looking for Cloud. She found him easily, standing nearby. "Sorry," she said softly. "I guess I could have handled that better."


some0nes_hero November 11 2009, 17:30:57 UTC
Cloud said nothing to say with regards to the exchange. He had suspected that Sephiroth would turn it around on Aerith, but the display was so unlike the ex-General that even he was a little baffled. It gave him a sense of just how far Aerith and Sephiroth had to go to even be civil to each other.

Still, he watched the silver-haired man walk away without comment and instead walked over to where the dagger had been thrown into the ground. He picked up and rounded back on Aerith, holding it out to her. "Exchange?" It was the simplest reasoning that he could think of to make some level of productivity. "This for the claymore?"


clinically_nuts November 11 2009, 17:44:14 UTC
There had been a temptation to simply move off by himself, but what little he had felt towards it had disappeared like the rest of his emotion. He would remain focused purely on his duty to protect Cloud, but nothing further.

Pushing the doors to the library open, Sephiroth wordlessly made his way into the building.

[Stalking in to here]


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