Dean's Light Brown and Blue Plaid
This shirt is brown and blue, with a small stripe of white. It has flapless breast pockets.
Brand: WindRiver
In The Executioner’s Song (10x14), Dean wears this shirt at the end of the episode, when he is hiding how much killing Cain has affected him.
In The Werther Project (10x19), Dean is wearing this shirt when he arrives in St. Louis to join Sam on his hunt, much to Sam’s surprise.
In Plush (11x07), Dean wears this shirt in the Bunker at the beginning of the episode.
In Rock Never Dies (12x07), Dean wears this shirt at the beginning of the episode in the Bunker, and on the drive to LA, but has changed by the time they arrive in LA.
In Family Feud (12x13), Dean wears this shirt when they go to pick Gavin up from the bus depot. He keeps it on until after they send Gavin back in time.
In War of the Worlds (13x07), Dean wears this shirt when they follow the witch to her safehouse and lie in wait to catch Ketch. He wears it until after the initial interrogation of Ketch in the Bunker.
In Peace of Mind (14x15), Dean wears this shirt from the beginning of the episode in the bunker, until he decides to take Jack to see Donatello.
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