[Night 13] Traitor's Wing (Showers)

Dec 31, 2009 13:29

[From Here]

Stepping down from the stairs, he pushed his way passed a group of prisoners loitering in the area and walked across the tiled area. He had no interest in staying in this aspect of the prison, not when he had to wonder what was causing Sephiroth to remain so... slow. It was hardly the ex-General's style.

That was until he thought of the load that the silver-haired man would have to carry. He was certain that Sephiroth would bring it all too, which meant that dislocated shoulder would probably be thrown out again. Man, he needed to train that Sephiroth better. Maybe he'd suggest that Aerith put the shoulder back into place this time; that would teach Sephiroth.

Huffing, he shouldered someone out of the way in order to pass to the Central Tower.

[To Here]


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