[Night 13] Traitor's Wing (101-120)

Dec 31, 2009 13:23

While Cloud had taken Aerith's advice to heart, he couldn't yet justify the need for a healing spell to be wasted on him. No, he could wait and ache with his injuries as they healed up. He figured that as long as he didn't get any further injured, then he would be fine for the rigors of the next day. Hell, he might be able to do some work instead of pretending.

Of course, he rose from his bed and remembered that he had absolutely no weapons in his cell. He had taken and hidden them in Sephiroth's room, which meant that it was good that the ex-General was traveling along with him. He felt like he needed to retrieve his weaponry before actually feeling safe, and it was with that thought that he headed out of his cell to look around for Yuuri.

He decided that the kid needed extra time, and that they would meet up in the Central Tower as planned. He knew that Sephiroth was on the move already, though slower than usual. No problem, he thought as he began to make his way to the stairs; it was setting up to be a busy night regardless of how many people were along. He needed to be prepared.

Slipping down the stairs, he made for the Central Tower.

[To Here]

yuuri, cloud

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