Title: Snowflake Pairing: KaiSoo Rated: PG Type: Drabble, Fluff Word Count: 633 Summary: Kyungsoo wants to know why Jongin likes his skin Author's Note: 4/30:This is part of my 30 day challenge. This is the link that'll explain it.
"Your skin is my second favorite thing in the world because it's white like snowflakes,"
I swear I could feel my heart stopped for seconds when I read that ;A; So sweeeeeett Jongin XD But if Jongin makes a fansclub of Kyungsoo's skin, I'll make sure I'll be the first member, His skin is so perfect /swoons
Comments 2
I swear I could feel my heart stopped for seconds when I read that ;A;
So sweeeeeett Jongin XD
But if Jongin makes a fansclub of Kyungsoo's skin, I'll make sure I'll be the first member,
His skin is so perfect /swoons
Thanks for writing :DD
And Kyungsoo, omfg, he sound so manipulative at the end. XD
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