Title: Snowflake
Pairing: KaiSoo
Rated: PG
Type: Drabble, Fluff
Word Count: 633
Summary: Kyungsoo wants to know why Jongin likes his skin
Author's Note: 4/30:This is part of my 30 day challenge.
This is the link that'll explain it.
Jongin thinks that his second favorite thing in the world is Kyungsoo's skin (it comes in second place with dancing after Kyungsoo himself). He knows why it's his second favorite thing but whenever Kyungsoo asks him the reason, all he can do is give him a small smile before he envelopes his hyung in a shy hug.
Kyungsoo, on the other hand, isn't very satisfied with the replies he gets. Jongin's never straight-forward with anything and everyone knows it. The older boy had long ago accepted the fact that his dongsaeng liked to change the subject whenever it got uncomfortable with things and he used to be fine with that. Emphasis on the used to because now that Kyungsoo knows that Jongin's second favorite thing is the largest organ on his body, it rattles around in his mind and drives him crazy with curiosity.
"Jongin-ah," Kyungsoo begins. They're sitting on the couch waiting for the other members to get ready for their schedule. Kyungsoo insisted that they wake up early and Jongin wasn't one to turn down his boyfriend's request. With Jongin holding Kyungsoo in his arms, everything seems picture-perfect. "Why do you like my skin so much?"
The picture-perfect moment is shattered as Jongin gets up, giving Kyungsoo a small, "Mianhe, I need to use the restroom," before leaving the boy to sit on the couch by himself. Kyungsoo's slightly irritated at Jongin's rather harsh approach on avoiding the question but he doesn't want to ponder on it too long because he knows he'll just get even more irritated than he already is.
"Kkamjongie, why is my skin your second favorite thing in the world?"
They're both sitting in the van while they wait for the manager and Suho to grab them some breakfast. Kyungsoo spent too much time that morning pouting on the couch to remember to make a decent meal for the others. The other members are too emerged in their own conversations to bother them in the backseat and Kyungsoo thinks this is when he'll finally know.
"Hyung," Jongin begins and Kyungsoo thinks he's going to go crazy if Jongin keeps gnawing at his lip like like that. A silence settles between them as Kyungsoo waits patiently for the boy. He can physically see the internal battle that Jongin's going through and that makes his heart falter.
"Y-You know what? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Sorry for putting you on the spot like that," Kyungsoo says. He turns his head to look outside the tinted window, missing the way Jogin's mouth momentarily twitches into a frown.
Kyungsoo feels like dying at the moment and he's pretty sure his lungs are about to explode. He's laying in the middle of the dirty floor covered with a thick layer of sweat. His once styled hair was now disheveled into a black mess sticking to his face. His clothes were awkwardly clinging to his body and all he wanted was a bottle of water.
It wasn't Kyungsoo's fault that he'd only been a trainee for eleven months. The choreographers thought he needed more time than the others so instead of having seven hours of practice like the other members, Kyungsoo got nine hours. Two hours wouldn't be such a big deal if the choreography wasn't so hard.
"Your skin is my second favorite thing in the world because it's white like snowflakes," Kyungsoo hears. His head snaps up from its place on the ground and sees Jongin leaning against the entrance doorway. Kyungsoo can't help the smile that forms on his lips as Jongin walks over pulls him into a kiss.
All it really takes is a little bit of patience and some pouting, is what Kyungsoo thinks when Jongin's slipping his tongue into his mouth.