When I see him/it . . . @,@

Jan 22, 2011 08:08

Last Thursday,
Me and Bella went to KL to look around
(more like fooling if you ask me) ^.^

So off we go to KL by that brown bus which we
had to wait for almost an hour as it was Thaipusam day.
Most people are off that day so, less buses are around
this ceruk. Anyway, we got there round lunch and head
straight for the infamous Mid Valley. From there, straight to
McD cause both of us were seriously starving.
As it was really during lunch time + McD = Whaddaya get???
Lunch Hour it is! So, you can imagine how freaking packed it was.
So, I get the food first while Virus stand guard for our table.
haha...okay,she actually sits but...hehehe
I picked the Prosperity Meal.
I got to the table, Virus went to order next.
But, I didn't really eat my food first cause I want
us to eat together. So, begin the waiting session.
As you can imagine, it was very booooring.
So, I can't help but look around here and there.
Hey,I'm human. I have eyes. I look. What else do I do?

The first person I noticed is this really loud Indian guy
that sat opposite of me along the chair. He was kinda noisy.
(considering you're in a standard McD and not your "kedai mamak")
But, what intrigued me is the person who sat in front of him,
(along my side of line) who spoke with a low voice
and not "gelabah" like his friend before.
So, curious as I am, I took a proper glance at him.
And boy, aren't I happy after that...
This guy with black t's,washout jeans and slippers
makes me swoon,man. Like big time!
He has this really sweet looking face and really dreamy
looking hair (Owh,plz NOT that Derek 'McDreamy' Shepherd!)
He has this like really cool hair I dunno...I just love it! <3
It''s been loooooong time since I swoon like this.
Shit, I can't even hide my grin. =)
Virus came back and I guess she noticed I kept glancing
towards my right side. So, she said

Virus: That guy's cute,huh?
Me: He is, isn't he?
Virus: I was checking him out since before.
He has a really cute face, no?
Me: Yup,yup (while nodding excitedly)

Okay, don't be put off by my entry this time okay?
I rarely spazz about guys. So, gimme a break.
I need to channel this hormones somewhere

Usually, I don't trust Virus' judgement in the
'looks' department cause her taste is kinda weird.
It's like every min. a guy pass by and he could be,
"Handsome la mamat nie" is what Virus would say.
Sleepyhead's taste is almost the same as I am but,
she has a sucker for religious guys aka "alim".
Whenever we see this Guy A she goes like "Kyaaaaaaa!".
Somewhat like that.Hahah...
So excuse me for rambling bout this guy.

Anyway, if I could describe his looks it would be...
= a sweet looking face in an indie-wannabe clothing.
I don't care bout that indie part, I seriously HEART
his hair! It really compliments his face so well.
I am ashamed that I did this so, highlight it if
you wanna know.
I took a pic of him! (couldn't resist the temptation,
forgive me for being a woman of sin =P )
After feasting my stomach (my eyes too!)
we were off to MPH to check out some books.
Even if we weren't there to check any books,
bookstores are ultimately my compulsory pit-stop
in any complex.

Being in MPH made me feel like a kid that got
lost in a candy store.Books! You are everywhere!
Someone I know once said,
"With your taste, it's better if you check guys out
at the bookstores. They are more your type!"
The problem is, how can I check guys out
if I'm dazzled by these lovely,lovely books all around me?
I could care less if you're a guy,woman,grandma,
African or transvestite for that matter. Once I have my baby, 
I ain't see you no more,honey.
The books that I had in mind to find:
1. How Languages are Learned
2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
3. Beastly

No 1. was a no go. Out of stock every place I've been.
No. 2 is the book that I couldn't find anywhere so far.
They don't even carry it in MPH! (Suuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk)
No. 3 is stated to have one more copy of the book.
Only one more in the gigantic store.I had seen the book before.
Plenty of times. It's black with a white flower on the cover.
But,when I get to the section mentioned...
My head was getting dizzy.It's the section for the Gothic novels.
(Does Twilight ring a bell?) Therefore,almost every novel are in black.
When I see this, I gave up.It's like finding a needle in a haystack.
So, look around and found another book instead.
Kekkyoku, I end up buying two files and part one of
The Mysterious Benedict Society
I like the cover of the book. So old-school chic.
But, also the "New York Times Bestseller" that written above
the cover. I saw Scott Pilgrim novels. I found all six!
I was this close (like a small pinch) to lose to the
temptation of buying it.However, 45.90 for a 100 page novel?
I dunno if I'm ready to be broke yet. I took snaps of it
and text them to SP.
Met with Virus and she told me something.
She found that 'Sweet-Guy' around here with his friends somewhere.
I'm like "What the heck, I didn't see him?!"
What a luck. But, it's nice to know he's the type
that would want to wander around in bookstores.*swoooon*

Around 4PM finally, Sleepyhead showed up.
She was wearing a shirt with OTT embellishments.
Gold stars,pink and beads? Uhh-ah...
You won't even caught me dead wearing that.
But, Sleepyhead rocked it so, w/e.
We met @ MAC (I know,I didn't believe myself,
but I walked in that store.Phew...)
Went around and being silly as always.
At some point the even dragged me.Literally.
They take my hand and dragged me round to Jusco,
Carrefour, F.O.C . But, I kinda like being treated like a
kid albeit a bit embarrassing.I get nonsense just being
with these guys. C:
At almost 5 we gotta go to Wangsa Maju to see Virus' sister.
We have to get to this LRT station down in Bangsar.
So, we have to take a bus. Initially, we want to wait for
the supposedly 'free yellow bus' but, we saw the first RapidKL
bus and jumped into it.

The train ride was legendary in all history of me taking the bus.
Never have I rode in a public transportation where there was this
bunch of obnoxious little twerps shouting OHMYGOSH
every few seconds. Out of the bunch, there's a couple
that can't keep their hands off each other and whisper.
Makes me sick watching them. They were arguing and
making noise like there's no tomorrow.
You thought that was IT? N-O-P-E!
Next, they were shouting WOW everytime
they saw a single effing stuff.
I was texting with Sleepyhead let out my anger
and also to snicker them.
Annoying brats. And...surprise,surprise.
They also stop by the Bangsar LRT Station.
By the time we were out, we were laughing at them
like crazy.hahaha...

Then, we bought a ticket to go to Ampang Park.
Suddenly, Sleepyhead's unnie called.She asked
Sleepy NOT to go with us.She asked her to exit
by the Masjid Jamek St. Therefore, being a good
girl that she is,she exit there all right.
1 down, only two left.Almost an hour later
we arrived at the Coffee Bean near Ampang Point.
To tell ya the truth I've never been to a place
like coffee house,bistro and etc.
I'm just a simple girl from Ipoh. I know of them.
But, doesn't mean I've been to one before.
So, that day was the first time I set my foot
in a 'upper' place like that.
So much fun tho I was so damn sleepy!
Virus had double choc coffee, while yours truly
had choc banana ice blended.And we share
a very mouth-watering chicken lasagna courtesy
of the kind kakdik. I love you,lasagna!
You are so cheesy...huhu
We plan to sleep @ kakdik's house
so, take another LRT to Wangsa Maju.
While I was in the coach...
Tired as I was, I notice something beautiful bout
the scenery, I was facing backwards, in front of the 
window of the coach's rear. It felt like being rushed/sucked
into somewhere (we went through a tunnel btw) and I had 
a good view of KL. It was drizzling yet it was a magnificent
view.It was pure magic moment for me def.
Dunno whether I can see these kinds of things again.

Altho, we've arrived there, we have to wait for kakdik cause
it was raining and Virus forgot where her house is.
(Virus, I'm telling ya..You're getting old quite fast.)
We were so bored so we chat and played around with
moi camera. After almost what feels like an hour,
kakdik came and sent me to her house first.
She told me to go to the house with the pink curtains.
With my useless eye sight I was just gettin' hopeless.
However, she also did ask her friend to open the doors
for me. Thank God and thank you.
So, I find an open door with pink curtains.
Yay! I didn't get lost as, I went straight on with
my instinct and what I managed to make out in 
the dark.Success!!!!!!!!!!
Upon stepping in the house (after being invited of course)
I was greeted by 5 furry friends.
Even with my poor vision, there's like
cat's fur EVERYWHERE!

* To be continued. . .

p/s: How appropriate the song for this post.
I should change it to Somewhere in McD to fit my version.
haha...See ya!  

wtf, one fine day, ramble your way

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