information ;

Feb 18, 2008 15:58

faq ;
→ 01. How does heleos work?
For starters, characters on Heleos do not post in their actual journals, they use the main community (heleos) for that. The point of having the character journals is merely to distinguish one character from the other, especially if there is one mun(player) for multiple characters. It's also a LOT more convenient to have all the posts in one place rather than all over the place and having to worry about adding characters as they come in. So, don't stress too much over it, the concept is really quite simple.

Do not post in 3rd person on the main community! [FAQ#14] 3rd person posts (aka. logs) should be made only at heleos_logs. If you post a log in the main community, you will be asked by one of the mods to kindly move that post into the proper community. It'll be less work for you to just post right away there, there will be no exceptions.

heleos_ooc is the OOC (out of character) community that you should post at concerning hiatus, dropping a character (FAQ#5), or just an introduction post.
ie heleos posts would look like this:
Waaaah! Where am I? This is seriously a freaky place! Is anyone else as confused as me?

heleos_logs posts would look like this:
He walked down the street, utterly confused and wishing he were somewhere else at the very moment.

→ 02. Is there an age limit/rating?
Yes! Because there will be suggestive themes at some points [FAQ#3&10], it is essential you are 16+. Anyone who shows a blatant act of immaturity will be suspended for 8 days. If you come back and are still the same, you will be booted from the game with no third chances.

→ 03. What kind of content is acceptable?
We allow anything from heterosexual to homosexual acts. Bestiality, Rape, Child Pornography, and anything illegal or going against the Livejournal Terms of Service is unacceptable. If we see it we will delete the post/comment immediately and put you under suspension for 5 days. If it happens again we will boot you from the game.

→ 04. How many characters am I allowed to have?
Every player is allowed up to 3 different characters, but with a few rules. If you do decide to fill up 3 slots right away, one of those characters must be an original character. You can have them all be original characters, if you really would like that, but you can not apply for more than 2 fandom characters.

→ 05. How do I drop a character?
Any character you want dropped will have to be killed, so think seriously before dropping a character or even applying for a character you're not 100% sure you want to play. The story for any dropped character is that they were executed by Enfer to maintain a proper population. It's your job, once your character has been written up as DECEASED to delete your character's journal (or if you use the same journal in another RP, remove yourself from this RP). Do all of this once you've written a post at heleos_ooc with your 'resignation'.

→ 06. Can I have a different version of a taken character?
(ie. Rikku from Final Fantasy X, Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2, Rikku from Kingdom Hearts II) No. There can only be one character since they are, essentially, the same character with the same personality. However, if you apply for a character like Agito/Akito from Air Gear, you are allowed to split up that personality into two people if that is convenient for you. If you decide to take both sides of the personality, that counts as two characters and you are now only allowed to get an original character. [FAQ#4] However, this is not required and if you want to just keep them as one character with split personalities, no one will stop you.

→ 07. Can I use a character journal from another RP?
Yes, you may! Because we aren't using your character journals for anything but identification in posts and logs, it really makes no difference to us mods.

→ 08. What is the Events Notice?
The Events Notice is a mandatory post that you must reply to, for your own convenience. The point of it is that if you don't see an event post because for some reason you missed it, we will notify you of it the moment we post it. That way, you won't miss out on all the fun! ♥

→ 09. Why Heleos and what is it?
Heleos is a mix of the names Helios and Eos. Helios is the name of the Greek God of Sun and Eos is the name of the Greek Goddess of Dawn. It was definitely made to mock the fact that Heleos itself is a cursed city with an eternal night. In fact, Heleos used to be a very prosperous city of wealth and advanced technology. However, as the 'gods' looked down on the city, they realized that they, these mere humans, were becoming gods themselves. Things were getting too advanced and Heleos itself was getting too large, something had to be done. So, because everything from brainstorming to the construction of the city occurred while the sun was up from dawn to dusk, the gods laughed and decided to take away their sun. "An eternal night for you who plays god and your empire of sin." Production stopped and, in fear and depression after months of a long, foggy night, ideas for advancing technology left their minds. The need for that natural warmth on their bodies became so overwhelming that their new incentive was to find a way, any way, to either get their sun back...or to leave Heleos.

→ 10. What are my characters trying to do here?
To survive. To put it simply, because Heleos confines people within, resources are scarce. The only meat comes from the fish at the harbor or the occasional bird that accidentally flies in through the misty barrier. Since there is no sun, (and this is a city, after all) there are no crops and thus fruits and vegetables are made in a factory with artificial UV-rays. That is not a cheap process so even essential things like that are incredibly expensive. So, even though your characters have a beautiful shelter [FAQ#13], starvation is inevitable if your character does nothing.

So, your characters will be responsible for taking on odd end jobs that will be posted every other day on the 'forum' (heleos). There will be a price next to each job and how many people are needed as well as a link to the log where the job will take place. The jobs will vary between "Will someone get me my groceries?" from a wealthy old lady to "Looking for xxx, will pay handsomely." from a wealthy/desperate man or woman. [FAQ#2]

→ 11. Who is in power of Heleos?
Unknown. Before Heleos was cursed, there was a mayor of sorts that ran the city. However, the moment the curse was set into motion, a new government started with an unknown leader(s) in the tallest building at the center of Heleos. He/She/They are called Enfer. (Enfer = French for 'hell')

→ 12. What is the economy of Heleos like?
The money in Heleos is called HD (Heleos Dollar), and you can easily relate it to the USD as $1 = 1HD. That being said, here is the price of groceries here in Heleos:

1 days worth of Groceries √ 100HD
7 days worth of Groceries √ 750HD

Please refer to the bank (FAQ#17) for more information.

→ 13. What are the living arrangements like?
To make up for the insane price of food, Enfer has provided luxury apartments for every person who is unluckily drawn into Heleos. They are fully furnished with a king size bed, couch, television, master bathroom, walk-in closet, large windows, kitchen full of supplies, and really anything else you can imagine except for food. There is a butler in each apartment that is...creepy to say the least but helpful. Your living quarters will be posted here.

Also, every luxury apartment will have 4 people living in it! And believe me, there will be more than enough room for all of you.

→ 14. What does my character use to 'post'?
To post in heleos, the characters are actually communicating verbally or txting with a cellphone that resembles a Sprint Rumor. Do not think that, because you are txting, you can violate the Literacy rule. With the Rumor's keyboard, you don't have to txt like a normal cellphone.

→ 15. Does the entire RPG take place over texting?
For journal wise, yes. Texting or 'voice posts'. That all takes place in the main community (FAQ#1). However, once jobs are taken or if you want to meet up with other characters, then you would have a log, in third person, at heleos_logs (FAQ#1).

→ 16. Can my character still have powers?
Sorry, no~ All powers are taken once you enter the city, it's part of the curse.

→ 17. What's the point of The Bank?
The bank is an easy way for everyone (mods and players) to see how much money each character has. Every character starts out with 50HD, but the moment 5 or more people get a job and carry it out, the mods will make a comment/update saying which characters gained HDs and then subtract a days worth of groceries from the amount to show the total amount of money. (This will become clearer when the RP progresses)

→ 18. What time period does this take place in?
For the character, they're still in their present time (whether it be in the Edo period or 2008). However, when they come into Heleos, Heleos itself is at year 3007. It's advanced, large, ahead of it's time. No floating cars or anything like that, but definitely not what we're used to.

→ 19. Are there cars in Heleos?
Yes, but only taxis owned by the government and cars owned by the rich. Your character will not own one, but you are allowed to get creative and steal one or what have you.

→ 20. Can I host my own events?
Not without permission from one of the mods. If you really want an event to happen, request one and a mod will host it for you, but please don't just assume something major (ie. fighting monsters).

Have anymore questions? E-mail any of the mods below.

mods ;
→ Tabé
personal lj jinkoyama
e-mail lilidono[at]
AIM kururu is a toul
MSN phoenix.down[at]
timezone CST (central)

→ Lucy
personal lj 148km
e-mail tobis_cookies[at]
AIM tehlu
MSN waffle.waffle[at]
timezone PST (pacific)

→ Yuka
personal lj yuka02
e-mail shini_chan02[at]
AIM ChaserYuka
MSN shini_chan02[at]
timezone PST (pacific)

locations ;
apartments → The apartments are towards the middle of the city. Every apartment is a luxury suite and holds 4 people in it. The apartment assignments are below.
market → The market is where all the food is handled. It's not the typical market at small stands with food for cheap, it actually resembles a military line up and military personnel are handing out the food. This is to minimize a riot over the expensive food. Markets only happen every Tuesday and Saturday.
shopping area → The shopping area holds all the shops with clothing, shoes, furniture, electronics, and even some grocery stores (with bulletproof glass and a military officer on duty 24/7).
sunny park → The 'Sunny' Park is at the very center of Heleos, surrounded by the apartments. It's the only green in the village and the trees seem to have become immune to no sun over the centuries. They are constantly lit with little christmas lights and there are benches and fountains scattered throughout the park. Fog is thickest here.
martial arts studios → There are several martial arts studios throughout the city is you just look. They offer lessons or just let you train there for free.
hospitals → There are two hospitals in Heleos. One is towards the center of the city while the other is on the outskirts. They only treat injured patients and will not offer food. They will help as much as they can, though, with malnutrition and starvation, but that will go onto your bill.
bars/clubs → Free entertainment is all over Heleos! Bars and clubs are set up throughout all of Heleos to keep it slightly more livelier than the depressing state it seems to be in.

apartments ;
→ 145th Street
Suite 121 {full}
Suite 243 {full}
Suite 359 {full}
Suite 421 {full}
Suite 573 {full}
Suite 677 {full}
Suite 789 {full}
Suite 877 {full}
Suite 901
Suite 1003
Suite 1137

credits ;
idea → we entirely have to thank Final Fantasy versus XIII for the idea of a city in an eternal night, since that trailer was just too amazing to not work off of it! ♥
layout → refutare
graphics → FFVXII.NET

pimp ;
Pimp heleos, please? 8D ♥ →">">FAQ |">Rules |">Application |">Taken Characters |">Reserved Characters |">Locations

Heleos ; A cursed city named after the God of Sun and Goddess of Dawn...What a mockery for a city that has been thrown into an eternal night. Heleos is a bad omen if you see it in the distance and acts as a mock Bermuda Triangle when you get even remotely close. Planes change course to land in Heleos' airport, boats and ships dock in it's harbor, and people walking or driving are drawn in by pure curiosity. At least the Bermuda Triangle is in one set area. Heleos, on the other hand, is in constant movement between time planes and worlds so the city holds many different kinds of humanoids. And, once drawn in, you can't leave.

The leader of Heleos, unknown to it's residents whether it's one solitary person or a large group of people, provides all new residents with one large apartment (with furnishings). A single butler provides help in each building, but don't be fooled by the material luxury. Because people can't leave, resources are lacking and things like meat (besides fish) are completely extinct. Factories produce fruits and vegetables with artificial UV-rays, but it is expensive to run such a line so food is incredibly expensive in turn. It is essential for residents to take on odd end jobs when people post notices on the 'forums' in order to get at least some money for food.

Now, can your character survive an eternal night in a cursed city?

RP ; is a multifandom role playing game made purely for entertainment purposes. Heleos not only welcomes characters from animanga but we encourage you play original characters as well~ YOU MUST BE 16 OR OLDER TO PARTICIPATE! (">FAQ#2)

Heleos RP takes place in two communities, plus the ooc one:
is the 1st person, journal-type RP community. (">FAQ#1)
is where all 3rd person, log RPs take place. (">FAQ#1)
is the ooc community for updates on personal life. (">FAQ#1)

;locations, ;faq, ;credits, ;apartments, ;mods

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