Fic: Tighten

Aug 09, 2011 22:44

by: helena_star
pairing: Brendon/Spencer (Panic! at the Disco)
summary: Written for this prompt. Braces. Brendon gets them. Spencer has feelings ( Read more... )

brendon/spencer, fic

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Comments 18

defect_no9 August 10 2011, 03:19:24 UTC
"Crap," he says, remembering what Brendon said about getting his braces tightened. "Did I hurt you?"

"Yeah," Brendon whispers, reaching up and tangling his fingers in Spencer's hair. "You did."

His fingers tighten in the strands and Spencer feels himself being tugged closer.

"Do it again."


OMG!!! I loved this especially hard because it's from Spencer's point of view! I wish you could see the hand flapping happening right now! Thank you so much for writing this, IT'S AWESOME!

... )


helena_star August 10 2011, 03:26:45 UTC
Thanks so much bb! I'm so glad you liked it.

I haven't ficced in so long, and never bandom, I was sitting here typing going "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!!!"



defect_no9 August 10 2011, 03:32:34 UTC
You were perfect! Oh my god you should get into bandom! I really would love to read more from you! You have Spencer's personality DOWN! There are not enough exclamation marks to explain how much I liked this! XD


helena_star August 10 2011, 03:37:17 UTC
Seriously, so very pleased you like this.

I'm so new to bandom, but I'm loving the Brendon/Spencer stuff I've found so far. Do you have any recs I can look at? I'm coming in so late that I don't know where to find them all.


Please help!


hiddenmuse August 10 2011, 16:07:07 UTC
Such a great story!! Spencer should be staring at Brendon and making a dork of himself more often! :-)

(and this makes my ficlet look like almost nothing... *g*)


helena_star August 10 2011, 18:48:17 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it!

(and don't go putting your ficlet down. I liked it a lot) :P



slashxmistress August 10 2011, 16:16:18 UTC
This is lovely! I love pining Spencer(or anyone really but Spencer is an awesome piner >:D) so much and yours is just perfect.

The last bit was just brilliant ♥


helena_star August 10 2011, 18:50:37 UTC
There should always be pining. *nods*

I'm so happy you liked it! The ending sorts came out of nowhere when I was writing. There was going to be more (there was going to be BLOWJOBS) but then that just came out and I was like "huh. I guess that's the end, then."

Writing is a strange, strange animal.



merelyn August 10 2011, 16:41:04 UTC
I really liked this! The ending especially is awesome. ♥


helena_star August 10 2011, 18:50:58 UTC
Thank you bb!



(The comment has been removed)

helena_star August 10 2011, 18:52:18 UTC
thank you so much!

bb!panic has the potential for so much sweetness. I just want to bundle them up and kiss them on the cheek and make them do sweet (but dirty...oh, so dirty) things to eachother.


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