01. Great Gatsby Casting

Oct 29, 2008 02:22

I just joined picspammy and decided to do The Great Gatsby for their current challenge. I tried to choose actors and actresses who not only fit the parts but were also capable of handling them as well.

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(burymyregret), book: the great gatsby

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Comments 29

deuxcoeurs October 29 2008, 07:51:45 UTC
Fantastic casting choices, I approve of everyone. Especially Edward Norton, Cate Blanchett, Jim Sturgess and Maggie Gyllenhaal. They're all such phenomenal actors!


fairchilds October 29 2008, 07:59:28 UTC
If they do make another Great Gatsby movie--- they should seriously look into your list, this is amazing, I would love to see Cate as Daisy.


burymyregret October 30 2008, 01:16:32 UTC
It's very flattering to know my casting is so agreeable. TY!


joaniemaloney October 29 2008, 08:08:45 UTC
Very good casting!
Daisy is a tough role to make likeable, but Cate would be up to the task for sure.


burymyregret October 30 2008, 01:19:19 UTC
It really is. I actually find that I dislike Daisy more than Tom who is supposed to be the most obvious villain. I have a feeling though that if Cate were to play the character she could bring more light to her feelings; hopefully make her more understandable.


fade_out October 29 2008, 08:36:03 UTC
I would watch a movie with that cast for sure lol. Great choices!! <3


lasamy October 29 2008, 09:00:57 UTC
OMG this cast??? Full of win!!!


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