Who: Orion and Hades
What: Hades needs to get his car fixed, and Orion just so happens to fix cars.
Where: The auto-shop Orion works at near Downtown.
When: Saturday morning/afternoon.
Warnings: Oh, come on, Nate!... Seriously? Seriously Nate? Seriously. Wow... Wow.
Orion woke up at 7:30 that morning, which was a while later than he usually woke up in the mornings. )
Comments 5
Of course, Orions first thought was not You cant do that in here!, but instead, I should try doing that, too. That looked cool. He might have been a little more impressed, even, if the engine on that car wasn't making such a horrible noise. Like screeching horses, he thought, relentless and evil... It was quite obvious this car needed some major help, so he got up and walked out to see a younger guy get out of his car, like a king exits a chariot. Orion thought he looked even younger than he probably was, because you don't see a teenager driving a car like this everyday. Being friendly, Orion slung his arm over this guys shoulder and crossed his legs while he stood. This guy looked quite a bit dark and gloomy, almost like he could use a hug from someone, but maybe an arm sling would have to suffice. "Looks like what you need isn't a mechanic, it's a miracle."
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