My affair with the Sistine Chapel Ceiling..

May 15, 2007 21:45

dun dun dun.. I feel like there should be that tense music in the background and everyone should be stunned. I told orangerfulthat I would talk about my affair with the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and what went wrong (that would be a great book title).

I went to college and got a degree in Art History, I was young and naive. I had to write a senior thesis. (If ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

orangerful May 16 2007, 02:37:44 UTC
huzzah! Your first post! I'm so excited! And look, you even have a little coo icon! *applauds*

So "new and improved" would be fully restored? Why are people anti-restoration?


the others... heiland_coo May 17 2007, 01:19:28 UTC
People are anti-restoration b/c they don't know the difference b/w their head and a hole in the ground, they think it "demeans the integrity of the piece" to have it restored. Who in their right mind would paint something and then hope in 300 years that it looked like mud had been wiped all over it? you really just want to read my fly swatter don't you?


Re: the others... orangerful May 17 2007, 02:22:15 UTC
I love how your argument went from 6th grader to actual debate team level haha.


faeriesfolly May 16 2007, 03:28:20 UTC
*from orangerful's journal*

Just had to say people are silly letting wonders like that fade away when they an be preserved. :/ Always makes me sad.

Plus...Coos are the cutest. When I was in scotland...I just wanted to get out of the car/bus and run around the fields trying to get one to let me HUG it. >.> It was a silly fantasy, but they are simply adorable.


heiland_coo May 17 2007, 01:20:42 UTC
I love the coos too! I had the same fantasy, there were some that lived down the road from us at college and I always wanted to go visit them, with my luck it would have stampeded me though!


faeriesfolly May 17 2007, 01:51:10 UTC
Same here! But I now have the extreme desire to buy a stuffed animal coo. haha. I saw them while we were in Scotland and didn't want to spend the limited funds I had on one...but now I feel the need to search the internet. :)


bittertwee May 17 2007, 17:22:33 UTC
Welcome! Ain't academia great? It all seems so important at the time.. You are smart, though, in that you made sure that your fly swatter involved a stay in Italy. I'm procrastinating on a fly swatter at this very moment- perhaps if I figured out how to combine it with some interesting travel I'd be more motivated.

Have you read "The Sixteen Pleasures" by Robert Hellenga? Your post reminded me of this book.

I'm a friend of orangerful, from Boston, btw. Feel free to stop by my lj whenever you like! I'm trying to update more often..


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