Quick thoughts on DW 4.02

Apr 13, 2008 15:21

Tiny spoiler for TW S2 finale, as well as, obviously, for this ep of DW.

There's a storm outside my window... )

doctor who, jack harkness

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Comments 8

dancinbutterfly April 13 2008, 19:38:59 UTC
It is made of win and awesome. Donna totally endeared herself to me even more this time. Way to be human girlfriend.


tiferet April 13 2008, 20:51:17 UTC
I love Donna lots and lots.


kimmparker April 14 2008, 01:49:27 UTC
OMG I love John Barrowman more than ever before! That is sooo awesome and lets go with the story that he saw your vid :D

Much Donna love here too. The differences between her and Rose/Martha is great. She is so much more of a peer for him than the others were, which is exactly what he needs.


heidi8 April 14 2008, 01:59:20 UTC
Isn't he just the bestest filking geek-boy ever?!?!?

If he were 20 years younger he'd be doing the doctor who version of WROCK.

Gah, I know it's normally verboten to even wish the actors could see one's vid but I really, really do want him to see this. I want to ask him whether he knew about Boe and the plot of S3 when he sang it in November of 06. Because....

Oh, the song is perfect. And he *knows* it's perfect and I am flailing!


thunderemerald April 14 2008, 02:07:53 UTC
I just spent a good three minutes watching your icon repeat itself.

That is some SERIOUS PRETTY. :)


heidi8 April 14 2008, 02:36:17 UTC
And that's just the visual.

When there's audio, and their Scottish accents....



priscellie April 16 2008, 16:00:05 UTC
OH JOHN! *hugs him until he pops*


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