Quick thoughts on DW 4.02

Apr 13, 2008 15:21

Tiny spoiler for TW S2 finale, as well as, obviously, for this ep of DW.

That's not a spoilery cut-tag thing - that's the truth. While I was watching DW this afternoon, a storm started developing outside my window, and if there's one thing I can say about DW that nobody could ever take issue with ;) it is this:

When the skies are darkening and thunder is rumbling during the last fourth of the episode?


Apart from that, I have so so so much Donna-love. This episode really broke by heart - I think they did a fantastic job of showing and making us feel for the complete destruction of thousands of lives and families; seeing the Doctor dealing with this through and impacted by his memories and thoughts of Gallifrey were just...

It was heart-wrenchingly well done. I cried - I cried more than I did over the last episode of Torchwood, actually.

I am so glad that Donna made him go back to save the family - and I can't wait to do some vidding with those Household Gods - it was adorable.

Off on an icon hunt now...


Dear John Barrowman:
You are dorkier than I ever thought possible! And I love you so much for it! Filking! So woobie.

Huh. Does this mean that John kripke-d my vid?

doctor who, jack harkness

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