Curses! Entertained, again!

Jan 08, 2013 14:50

LOVE. I MEAN I LOVE YOU ALL. Or at least, all of you who've been talking Teen Wolf. I finally had time to sit down and mainline every single episode and I just finished and it is the most adorable mess of a show that I have seen since maybe S3 of SPN (which, yeah, tonal parallels ( Read more... )

fml, teen wolf

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Comments 12

*cracks knuckles* hllangel January 8 2013, 20:53:37 UTC
We'll start with fluffy AU: DILF: Derek adopted baby Scott and Jackson after his sister was killed. Enter Mr. Stilinski, Scott's teacher. Cue adorable romance.

Not AU, but adorable: The Adventures of Ginger and Stiles: continuing the Stiles makes Instant Friends with Awesome Drag Queens theme of the show. Says WIP, but it's not really. Very cute.

Darling it is no joke. Must read. Sorta-AU. Derek is a deputy sheriff and meets Stiles when Stiles is back in Beacon Hills after college.

Hyper Heart Alone. Heartbreaking but amazing. Stiles comes back to Beacon HIlls to help his father after an injury and has to find his place in the pack again.

C'mon Now SugarVeronica Mars Fusion. Stiles and Laura Hale were best friends, until someone murdered her. Now, Stiles is on the outside of the Beacon Hills social circle and still trying to solve her murder. Also, what the hell is Derek's problem with him?

Lastly, I'm not a huge fan of the alpha/omega verse, but this one is actually really good. Alpha Spikes. The setup is spectacularly trope ( ... )


Re: *cracks knuckles* heidi8 January 10 2013, 00:04:05 UTC
Just read DILF. Oh for heaven's sake, wasn't that adorable! Saving this post to read others over the course of the week.


kellifer_fic January 8 2013, 21:46:57 UTC
Ugh, me and the flatmates watched S1-2 in about two weeks and then were bereft. Yes, Isaac completely. I was meh about him but then he was adorable and needed reassurance and just, yes.

I have lots of fic bookmarked.

Probably my favourite ever TW fic is a long, plotty, gloriously pack-feel filled future!fic called (Sacred) In the Ordinary by idyll.

I also point people in blue_meridian's direction, who is a constant reccer who helped me navigate the frankly HUGE fandom.


heidi8 January 10 2013, 00:04:51 UTC
Thank you for being an awesome bookmarker! And I've friended Blue_Meridian so I can go through her links, etc. Squee!


misscake January 9 2013, 02:30:17 UTC
I made a rec post on Tumblr here, which is all Sterek fics. Seconding the "Sacred (in the Ordinary)" rec!

Haven't read much Chris/Peter, but I did read this one a few weeks ago: It's Bad Enough We Get Along. I totally get the same MWPP vibe from them!


heidi8 January 10 2013, 00:05:34 UTC
Off to Like the tumblrpost, thanks! And wow, yeah, thanks for the C/P link!


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heidi8 January 10 2013, 00:06:05 UTC
Wow, awesome list. THANKS! Stiles as Luna? Oh yes please.


thistle_chaser January 9 2013, 16:08:20 UTC
Oooh, I misread, I thought this was posted on the Teen Wolf comm. YOU LOVE THE SHOW! YAY! :D Welcome to the madness of waiting for the next season! (I was hoping someone would answer that question about when, since I don't know either. TOO LONG TO WAIT, whenever it is!)

C'mon, LJ, post my comment! Sorry if this goes through multiple times.


heidi8 January 10 2013, 00:06:50 UTC
I only got it once, and yes! Love the show! Still no idea when there will be more but it sounds like more than 12 episodes in S3?


thistle_chaser January 10 2013, 04:50:39 UTC
Yes! I believe next season has double the eps! I can't wait. :D


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